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Ahsoka subconsciously tapped her chin with her index finger, running a hand over crooked handles of the speeder she was repairing.

"Think we should replace these? I'm not sure if we can straighten them out," she called to Nyx, who was busy tinkering with a damaged engine. Sparks flew in front of his face as he jerked his hand out of the machine.

Ahsoka laughed as he pulled his goggles off of his smudged face, their imprint leaving red circles around his eyes.

"We're fresh out of the parts for those. Straighten them as best you can. We'll make a quick sale of it so the buyer doesn't have enough time to notice the difference," he decided.

"Nyx," Ahsoka replied warningly.

"'Soka," he replied in the same tone, making her chuckle again. "If it makes you feel better, we can lower the price a little," he suggested. Ahsoka thought for a minute.

"Alright, fine."

"Pleasure doing business with you."

"Same to you, Mr. Okami." They jokingly shook hands before getting back to work on their respective projects.

"Could you hand me those snips?" he asked a few moments later. Ahsoka's head shot up so quickly that her montrals smacked into the little light swinging above them.

"What?" she answered, her heart pounding.

"The... snips. I have to cut this wire," Nyx repeated, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Oh... oh, the... the snips. Here you go," Ahsoka stammered, handing him the tool.

"... thanks," he spoke slowly, cocking his head to the side as he took in her current state.

Ahsoka's face seemed to be slightly paler than usual, and her hands were shaking as she continued tinkering with the speeder. She squeezed her eyes shut every few moments, shaking her head slightly. Her shoulders were raised and hunched over, so unlike her usual posture.

"Ahsoka?" Nyx spoke, tapping one of her hands. "What's wrong?"

He was shocked to see tears brimming in her eyes as she looked up, swallowing with difficulty.

"Nothing, nothing," she replied, waving him off.

"No. You're lying. What's wrong?" he tried again, squeezing her fingers gently. Ahsoka lowered her gaze to their hands, her lekku blushing slightly. She was very new to all this relationship stuff.

She looked back up at Nyx, giving him a bittersweet smile.

"'Snips'. It's the nickname that my brother used to call me. You sort of just... caught me off guard. He used to teach me how to fix things like this." She gestured to the tools around them. Nyx closed his eyes sadly.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"No. You didn't do anything wrong, I promise. I just... miss him. A lot," she admitted. Nyx walked around the table to hug her, resting his head on top of hers.

Every time that she spoke about her brother, there was a clear undertone of sadness in her statements. All that Nyx knew was that they had been very close, but that Ahsoka had to leave him for her own good. He knew it was a sensitive topic, so he tried not to bring it up too much.

"I'm sure he misses you too."

"He better," Ahsoka chuckled. "I hope you can meet him someday."

"Me too. From what you've told me, he sounds amazing."

Ahsoka smiled warmly.

"He is."

Currently addicted to the mandalorian season 2 soundtrack IT'S SO GOOOOOD 

Hope y'all enjoyed! Have a great day and leave ideas if ya want!

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