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Anakin blinked a few times, his eyes scurrying around the room in confusion.

What? he thought to himself, almost laughing. He wasn't exactly sure how to respond to the situation. Obi-Wan will know...

And that's how he found himself in his Master's quarters, eyebrows furrowed as he explained what had just happened.

"And then... and then she accidentally called me 'Dad'," Anakin finished, finally looking up to make eye contact with his old Master. Obi-Wan raised his eyebrows, his eyes widening slightly.

"Are you sure that she wasn't just joking?" he asked, a small grin creeping up on his face.

"No... no, it wasn't in a mocking way like when I tease you. She got all embarrassed after she said it and ran off," Anakin explained.

Obi-Wan chuckled for a moment. Then he began to laugh, tucking his face into one of his hands.

"Well, what's so funny?!" Anakin exclaimed, clearly taking this far more seriously than Obi-Wan.

"I think it's awfully sweet that she said that to you," he replied, his laughs turning into a soft smile.

"Well, do you think she meant it? Do you really think that she sees me as a father?" Anakin asked, wringing his hands in front of himself.

"How do you see her, Anakin?" Obi-Wan countered, poking him on the shoulder. Anakin shrugged, blowing out air as he tried to think.

"I mean... when I first met her she was sort of like an... annoying... snippy... bratty-"

"Anakin, really?" his old master interrupted him, crossing his arms.

"Fine. She was like a little sister to me. But..." he sighed, clenching his fists. "But after... Mortis, and after she got kidnapped I just... all I've wanted to do is protect her. Does that mean that she's more like a daughter now? Am I making any sense?"

"Plenty," Obi-Wan responded gently. "Perhaps you should go talk to Ahsoka herself."

"You're right. I should," Anakin sighed. He stood up. "Thanks, Obi-Wan."

"Of course."

As Anakin re-entered his and Ahsoka's quarters, his anxiety only rose. If she needed a father figure, he certainly wasn't the right option. He wasn't nearly responsible enough for that role. He loved Ahsoka- he knew that much -but he didn't have the first clue about how to act like a father. Heck, he didn't even have a father himself!

"Snips?" he asked cautiously as he rapped on her closed door. "You in there?"

"No," came her muffled reply. Anakin breathed a laugh and opened the door, making his way over to the heap of blankets on her bed.

Pulling up the covers, he found an Ahsoka-sized lump wrapped in one of his spare cloaks. 

She had made a habit of stealing his clothes sometimes. She claimed that the bigger they were on her, the more comfortable. Anakin hadn't minded at all, to his own surprise. He actually found it kind of sweet that she wanted to have something of his with her when he wasn't there.

"Coruscant to Ahsoka," he sang, gently knocking on the hood. She lifted her head up to shoot him a glare.

"I'm sorry," she spat, her lekku stripes still flushed in a darker color that usual. She sunk into the oversized garment once again, pulling her arms around her tucked-up knees.

"Sorry for what?"

"For what I said. I did not mean to call you that, nor do I believe that it is okay to have familial attachments. You are my master, and that is all," she grumbled, speaking as blandly as possible. Anakin assumed that she had rehearsed everything that she had just said.

"Ahsoka, I'm not mad," Anakin chuckled in reply, lifting her head up. "Look at me, Snips."

She shot daggers into his eyes with her glare. He figured that was just her way of hiding her embarrassment.


"Really," he promised. "In all honesty, I'm touched... very touched that you see me that way."

"I was not expecting you to say that."

"What were you expecting me to say then?"

"I don't know... maybe something about how attachments are forbidden. You know, something that one of the other masters would probably say," she replied, shrugging.

"I think," Anakin began, taking one of her hands in his own, "in the past two years," he continued, taking her other hand, "you've probably come to realize that I'm not like all the other masters. I'd be more than happy for you to think of me as a father figure. Just don't ever call me 'Dad' again, you'll make me feel old."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes, squeezing his fists in gratitude.

"You're the best, Master. And... I'm probably not supposed to say this either but... I love you," she said shyly, looking down. Anakin didn't think that his smile could've gotten any bigger, yet it did.

"I love you too."

"How'd it go with Ahsoka?" Obi-Wan asked, later that day.

"Well, suddenly I'm a twenty-two year old man with a sixteen year old daughter," he joked. Obi-Wan laughed.

"You've certainly done a great job raising her so far."

Anakin smiled.

"Thank you."

Ahshdbhdh I've said it before but I'm saying it again: I definitely see more of a brother sister relationship between them but they have a few father daughter moments too and those are fun to write haha. Have a great night and leave ideas if ya want!

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