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i give you: anakin skywalker high on pain meds

"Master," Ahsoka giggled into her comm link as Anakin stuffed his face into a pillow beside her. "You've got to get here before he's back to normal."

"I'm on my way, Ahsoka, I already told you that," Obi-Wan replied, sounding slightly out of breath as he quickly made his way to the medbay.

"Hurry!" she insisted before turning it off and facing her master again. He was laying flat on his stomach, face smushed into the pillow.

"Y'know... I n'er u'er'ood w' we ar'nt a'ow'ed 'tachm'nts," he said into the fabric, his voice fully muffled by his pillow. Ahsoka erupted into another fit of giggles.

"Lift your stupid head up and tell me what you just said," she said, still trying to hold her laughter back.

Anakin flipped himself over, sitting up. He crossed his arms and huffed like a little kid before slumping against the wall. Ahsoka shook as she bit back another laugh.

Anakin looked up to see her stuffing her fist into her mouth, and smiled.

"Awww," he cooed happily, playfully shoving her leg from where she sat on the edge of the bed with his foot.

"What?" she asked.

"I really like it when you laugh. It sounds nice... like... happy," he replied, nodding with a dopey smile spread across his face. "It makes me happy when you're happy because you're my favorite sister."

Ahsoka cocked her head to the side, still grinning. Anakin leaned forward to place a hand on her shoulder, but totally missed his target and folded himself in half. 

Ahsoka fell backward onto his outstretched legs, clutching her stomach as she howled with laughter again. Anakin sat himself back up grumpily, trying to kick her off of his legs as Obi-Wan walked into the room.

"Obi-Wan!" he cried, clapping his hands. "My favorite sister and brother are both here! What could be better? Ooh! I know!" He raised his hand in the air as Obi-Wan blinked down at his padawan.

"Would you... like to say something, Anakin?" he asked dryly, carefully seating himself next to Ahsoka, who was sprawled across Anakin's legs, coughing uncontrollably as she tried to stop laughing.

"I have an answer!" Anakin whispered. "About what could be better! We should invite the prettiest-"

"Oh no," Obi-Wan interrupted, fearing that Anakin might speak the name of his not-so-secret-wife.

However, he surprised him by saying,

"-clone in the 501st. My best friend Rex," he finished, clapping his hands in front of himself again with a tiny, "Yay!"

Ahsoka clamped her jaw around the blanket below her as Obi-Wan facepalmed.

"I'm... telling him... you think," Ahsoka wheezed, wiping tears from her eyes, "he's pretty!"

"Good!" Anakin concluded, clasping his hands together. "He could use the confidence. What was it that you said the other day, Snipsoka? Oh yeah- tell him 'yes queen' for me."

Ahsoka screamed, finally rolling herself all the way off of the bed and onto the floor, choking on nothing but air as she struggled to say,

"Why... aren't we... recording this?!"

Obi-Wan's face was buried into his hands a he shook his head, shrugging his shoulders helplessly.

When he finally looked up, all he could see was Anakin grinning stupidly at the two of them, nodding his head.

"I like it when you guys laugh." He looked down into his lap shyly. "It makes me happy because you're my favorite people in the whole damn galaxy."


y'all the force sensitive omega theory is kinda growing on me bc (ik this won't happen but just take a minute to imagine this)... they find out that she's force sensitive while they're with rex and they're like "oh! you served under two jedi! you should know a thing or two about how the force works! this is your niece- please teach her what you know!" and rex is just desperately shaking his head and then proceeds to try and teach her literally ANYTHING he can remember anakin and ahsoka doing and he's just trying his absolute best and failing miserably and sad bc he misses his jedi friends and omega's just happy to be there-

don't ask. this just entered my brain in the middle of bio today. it was great.

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