Supply Run

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Anakin rushed down the hallway, nearly crashing into his padawan, who had been walking at a regular pace.

"Watch where you're going!" Ahsoka joked.

"Sorry, Snips," he replied distractedly, slowing down to a fast walk.

"What's the rush?" she asked.

"I was called down because Senator Amidala has returned from her trip," he answered, trying his best to sound casual.

"I was called down for the same reason," Ahsoka said, to Anakin's surprise. "Maybe she needs us for a mission or something. Or maybe she just came to say hi."

"Why would she come just to say hi?" Anakin asked nervously. "We both only know her professionally."

Ahsoka's face morphed into a look of confusion.

"What are you talking about? She's practically like a mother to me. And you and she have always seemed to be good friends. What's up with you?"

"Nothing, nothing," he said. 

Ahsoka shook her head as they entered the room.

"Hello, Padme," Ahsoka greeted, smiling warmly.

"Senator Amidala," Anakin said, nodding his head at her. Padme smiled, though she seemed extremely nervous.

"It's good to see you two," she said.

"So... do you need us for a mission or something?" Anakin asked.

Padme shook her head.

"Actually, I was wondering if the two of you could go on a supply run for me. I'm hosting a very important dinner tonight, and I've got so much to prepare in so little time. I've already sent Artoo and Threepio down to run some errands for me, but apparently, Artoo was taken and information about the Republic got into the hands of the Separatists. Thankfully, we have both of the droids back now, but I can't send them out anymore. The Chancellor said that he thought the two of you could go on the supply run for me, and maybe try to figure out who took Artoo while you're there," she explained.

"Two  Jedi just for a supply run?" Ahsoka exclaimed. "That seems awfully-"

"We'll both go," Anakin interrupted. "I'm sure that we are both needed more than we know. Why don't you go and let Obi-Wan know where we will be."

"Why does he need to kn-"

"Just go, Ahsoka," Anakin repeated.

"Fine," she muttered, glancing at him suspiciously before jogging off down the hall.

As soon as she had left the room, Anakin pulled Padme into a tight hug. Padme looked at him and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

"How was your trip?" Anakin asked.

"Semi-successful. But I think what's more important is that padawan of yours. She's catching on to us. She isn't stupid, you know," Padme said taking a seat on the soft couch. Anakin sat down next to her.

"That's what worries me," Anakin replied. "I don't think that we should tell her though."

"Ani, why not? Do you really think that she would let our secret get out? She would never  do anything that could get you expelled from the order. She loves you."

"I know that she would never purposefully  let the secret out. But she's reckless. She could let it slip by accident. Or she might tell Obi-Wan because she trusts him, and then he might tell someone else, and eventually it'll spread like wildfire," Anakin explained. Padme rubbed his hand softly.

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