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it takes very little to awaken the directioner in me

"I don't think that he likes me very much."

Obi-Wan froze, hand completely still on the piece of bread for the sandwich he had been preparing for his grandpadawan. He glanced over his shoulder to see her at his counter, her chin resting on one hand while the other drummed its fingers against the surface.

He knew that Anakin and Ahsoka had not gotten along very well in the beginning of the earliest hours of their partnership, but he thought that things had gotten better. They always seemed completely fine when he was with them, joking and teasing each other constantly.

"What makes you say that?" he asked, clearing his throat in an attempt to keep his demeanor casual as he placed each slice of meat onto the sandwich, folding the two pieces of bread together and turning around to place the dish before her.

She shrugged, taking a bite.

"Well," she swallowed, "for one thing, he's away on a mission without me right now. He keeps refusing to take me, and then when he's back home he always leaves."

"I see."

Well, for another thing, his past few missions have involved protecting a certain Senator, Obi-Wan said internally. He didn't have to do much guessing to discover where exactly Anakin was going when Ahsoka referenced his constant 'leaving.'

"I just..." she sighed, looking down for a few moments, "I'm not sure what I did wrong."

"Nothing, Ahsoka," was his immediate response, laying his palm on her shoulder. "I promise."

She shook her head, finally looking back up again to meet his eyes.

"I don't think so."

If only she knew.

"Do you know how he speaks of you when you aren't around?" he questioned, tilting his head to the side.

"I... didn't know he even did," she chuckled, taking another bite.

"Well, the last time that he came over here, I believe that he used the words 'might give me a run for my money when she's older.'"

She perked up slightly at that, but the change in her expression was subtle enough to convince him that she wasn't exactly concerned with her master's approval of her lightsaber skills.

"He called you a 'mini-him' too when he was first getting to know you," he added, sifting through memories of conversations he'd had with Anakin in the past about Ahsoka, who sometimes seemed to be their shared padawan.

"Really?" she asked, smile brightening.


"Anything else?" she continued excitedly. Obi-Wan laughed softly, remembering a talk that they'd had late one night, a few evenings prior.

"He didn't say it in words but... there's a look," he began in a gentle voice. "He gets it every time that he talks about you, especially when he's tired and, well, not so good at masking his emotions."

"What's 'the look?'" she asked, brow markings furrowed as she swallowed again.

"It's not a full smile, but you can see that it's there. And it's all in the eyes, really—they get all wistful. Like he's not actually looking at you, but remembering something from far away. It's like I said—you remind him of himself when he was younger, more," innocent was not the right word based on his childhood, "carefree, I suppose. You make him happy."

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