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I have like 15 assignments that I didn't even start yet due in like an hour. Am I going to do them? No.

Ima wait til the last minute CUZ WHY NOT

i hate myself

ANyway.... story:

Anakin stepped lightly as he ran through the tunnel, trying desperately to keep his footsteps as quiet as possible. It felt as if every breath he took would echo throughout the vast space. He felt a muffled presence around the next corner, and grabbed for his lightsaber, ready for any trouble. He tiptoed around the wall, and immediately ignited the saber. He hadn't planned to use it, but the other person had already turned their lightsaber on. 

A feeling of relief swept over him once he realized who it was. He turned off his saber and Ahsoka did the same.

"Sorry, Master, you were hiding your presence. I didn't know it was you," she whispered.

"It's alright. I thought the same for you," he whispered back. "Remember... if you see him, don't kill him. The council wants him back alive."

Ahsoka nodded in response.

She started to move forward, hiding in the shadows just as Anakin had taught her. Her big, blue eyes widened.

He's right there, she mouthed to Anakin, pointing around the next corner. The two were both relieved, however, that it was just Padme.

Anakin and Ahsoka had been sent to protect Padme on one of her missions to a Separatist planet. As usual, something had gone horribly wrong, and the three were now chasing after a young, rogue Mandalorian, who had been tasked with the assassination of Senator Amidala.

"Come on," Padme whispered, taking her blaster out of her pocket. "This way." She led them through a series of tunnels until they reached an exit.

The three all sighed in relief. They thought that they were safe.

But they were not.

"Look out!" Ahsoka yelled, igniting her blade just in time as a shot was fired at the Senator. Anakin and Ahsoka began blocking the attacks, as Padme shot back. Suddenly, all the shooting stopped.

"Where is he?" Ahsoka asked Anakin quietly.

"A little far off," he began, "on your left."

Ahsoka nodded, one saber turned on. Her hand rested on her shoto, ready to ignite it when ready.

"Ahsoka... we'll take him together," Anakin said. Ahsoka shook her head as the Mandalorian came closer.

"No, I'm taking him now!" she yelled, charging at the man.

"Snips, no!" Anakin screamed as his Padawan attempted to slice the Mandalorian's weapon in half.

Click, boom.

It happened in a split second. 

In Ahsoka's attempt to protect Anakin and Padme, she had gotten herself shot... in the chest. 

She doubled over as her master screamed at the top of his lungs and stabbed his lightsaber through the man, something coming over him that he had only felt a few times before. 

Padme shouted for help as she ran to the Togruta's side, lifting her into her lap.

"No," Padme cried. "No."

Ahsoka blinked up at her, smiling sadly. She knew what was about to happen to her. She knew she was about to leave them... her family.

Anakin collapsed at his wife's side and took Ahsoka into his own arms, shaking with rage and fear.

"I'm so sorry," Ahsoka said. "Sh-should've w-waited." She coughed slightly and felt the blood in her mouth.

"Shhh," Anakin responded, tears in his eyes. "Don't apologize, Snips. You did everything just right. Stay with me... please."

Padme sobbed into her husband's shoulder. She had called for help already. The medical crew would be there any minute.

But they all knew that it was hopeless.

Ahsoka reached up and wiped a tear off of her master's cheek. He took her small hand in his own and interlaced their fingers.

"I don't want to leave you. I don't want to go," Ahsoka sniffled.

"I once heard someone say, 'The ones who love us never really leave us'," Padme said, stroking the Togruta's lekku. 

"I l-love you, P-Padme," Ahsoka stammered.

Anakin placed their entwined hands on his heart.

"I'll keep you in here... forever," he said, trying to hold the tears back. "I love you, Snips."

"I love you t-too, S... sky... g..."

She was gone before she could finish her sentence.

The little family was broken.

I literally don't even know what this story is. I just wanted someone to die bc I'm bored. K that sounded rly bad but I SWEAR I'm a good person.

Okay, comment ideas if ya have any and HAVE A GOOD NIGHT!

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