Modern Part 4

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So we're sticking with modern for another chapter I guess hahaha as requested from Mar17209

It was too much, Anakin had decided.

Their life had never been anything special, him and Ahsoka. It hadn't been bad, it had just... been.

Nothing interesting ever happened to them- good or bad. Things had always been normal.

But there they stood, in the kitchen of their neighbor's house with nothing but the clothes on their backs, and their school books.

And to think that the biggest of Anakin's worries that day had been about Ahsoka's date....

It was too much, too fast.

Mr. Koon had always been a friend of their family's. He moved into the house next door with his son, Wolffe, just after Ahsoka was born, and quickly became her primary babysitter. As a little kid, Ahsoka always claimed that he was her best friend. 

Though it had been years since he had last babysat for her, Ahsoka still made an effort to spend time with him, sometimes going over to his house after school. The Koon household had always felt like a second home to the Skywalkers.

Now it felt like the furthest thing from it.

Ahsoka held her trembling chin up high as she climbed the staircase, a few steps ahead of her brother.

Wolffe opened the door to her new bedroom, revealing a very worried looking Mr. Koon, who was laying out sheets on the floor next to the twin bed that pressed up against the left wall of the room.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered, sauntering forward to pull Ahsoka in for a bone-crushing hug. "Shhh. Easy there, Little 'Soka," he said as she cried.

"We can't thank you enough for allowing us to stay here," Anakin spoke, his face still unreadable, and his voice robotic.

"It's the least I could do," Mr. Koon responded, gently letting go of Ahsoka. "I set up a makeshift bed in here. I figured that you two might want to stay together for a few nights while you get yourselves settled in."

Anakin nodded in agreement, urging his sister to walk forward with a gentle push of the shoulder.

"Thank you so much," he answered. Mr. Koon answered with a nod.

"We'll let you know when dinner's ready. If you're not hungry, feel free to just stay up here."

"Thank you, Mr. Koon," Ahsoka replied, seating herself on the mattress, soaking her tears up into the corner of a blanket as she wiped her face.

As Anakin fell asleep that night, tearful face buried into his pillow, he felt a wave of calmness wash over him. With Ahsoka's hand clamped in his, he allowed himself to breath for a few moments.

They still had each other.

And maybe, just maybe,

that would be enough.

WandaVision tomorowwww wooooooo time for the eighties episode. I'm so excited.

Have a great night, and leave ideas if ya want :)

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