Iron Man

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Well, hello there friendos.

I am so very sorry that i had to take a lil break from this, but i had a HUUUGE test coming up that i needed to study for this week (i definitely failed it, but i tried so whatevs).

I have two projects due tomorrow that i started like... an hour ago :/

and here i am writing this instead of working on them bc i have my priorities sorted out (ron weasley's shaking his head at me rn)

SO ANYWAYS, this is for Lizzy_Luna75 (LOOK MY TAGS ARE WORKING!!), and i am very sorry that it took so long

(also ill do a Valentine's Day Part 2 soon cuz yall asked for it)

(also also Mar17209 ik ur watching the marvel movies for the first time and this is sort-of spoilers for captain america civil war but not really...? im not doing exact dialogue from the movie in this one so it's very minor. idk you decide if u should read or not hahaha)

Ahsoka wasn't exactly sure what she was expecting when she saw the ship parked outside of her house on Shili.

School had just ended for the week, and she was looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend, away from the stresses of schoolwork and the teasing that she endured on a daily basis from other students at school.

She certainly hadn't been expecting to see her role model, her favorite celebrity, and hero sitting on her living room couch, conversing with her mother.

"Wh-what?" she sputtered, her schoolbooks spilling all over the floor as her backpack slipped from her grasp.

He rose out of his seat, and she looked him up and down. He looked exactly like he did on the poster of him that was stuck to her wall- the dark blond hair, the blue eyes, even the famous metal arm!

That was Anakin Skywalker.

In her living room.

He was one of the leaders of the Jedi- The Galaxy's Mightiest Heroes!

All that Ahsoka knew about the Jedi was that only the strongest of the Force Sensitives were allowed to be a part of the order. Being Force Sensitive herself, she had been tested at a very young age, yet, she was not powerful enough to be allowed in.

But that was alright by her. Without her, she had no idea who would protect her family- her whole village.

The Force Sensitives who were not powerful enough to make it into the order usually let their abilities fade once they returned back to their home worlds. Without training, such power- however small it may be- could be dangerous.

Ahsoka, however, had attempted to train herself with the little knowledge that she had of the Force. She had even constructed a whole uniform and mask for herself to hide her identity on the nights that she went out to stop the small, petty crimes that went on every so often.

The people in her village had even nicknamed her- 'Snips' -based on the fact that she only ever spoke in short sarcastic sentences, always muffled by the voice changer that she had developed.

If anyone discovered her true identity... well, she really had no idea what would happen. It would certainly be frowned upon.

But here was Anakin Skywalker. In her living room. In her living room.

"Ms. Tano, I've heard so much about you. It's so nice to finally meet you," he spoke, a small smile on his face as he stuck out his hand for her to shake.

Snips and Skyguy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now