A Jedi Celebration

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 Hello there!

Anakin woke with a start to a loud pounding on his door, early in the morning. 

"Can't I get a decent sleep? I haven't slept in almost two rotations," he grumbled, referring to the fact that he, Obi-Wan, and his padawan had spent the last few days on another planet, fighting for hours on end.

He rolled over and grumpily pulled the blankets off of himself. Through their bond, he could sense who the person at the door was, yet he was still reluctant to drag himself out of bed.

"Open up!" Ahsoka called, knocking even harder.

"Go away!" Anakin called back.

"What is it, master? Have you got Senator Amidala in there with you again?" Ahsoka whispered slyly. 

Anakin sat up quickly and rushed to the door. He opened it angrily.

"Get in here!" he whisper-shouted, pointing inside of his quarters. Ahsoka chuckled.

"Just a few moments ago you were telling me to leave. Make up your mind!" she laughed. Anakin did not. He slammed the door behind her.

"Listen, Snips, you know the rules about... the Senator and I. There is to be NO speak of it anywhere near any other Jedi. I thought I could trust you with this, but you keep on giving me reasons to believe that I was mistaken."

Ahsoka glared at him, clearly annoyed.

"It was just a joke," she muttered.

"It wasn't funny. You have to be serious about things like this. If anybody finds out about her and I, I'll be expelled. And you could be too if they found out that you knew. Now, go back to bed. I'm very annoyed with you right now."

Ahsoka looked down. 

"Fine, then. I just came to give you the gift that I got for you. I guess that can wait until later," she said, crossing her arms as she got up to leave the room.

Anakin sighed as he noticed a large box in her left hand.

"Snips, wait-"

Ahsoka slammed the door behind her loudly.

She entered the room across the hall from her master and sat down on her bed. It was far too early for anyone else to be awake, but it was too late for her to get herself back to sleep. She mumbled a few words about her master that she knew she would get in trouble for saying in front of him.

She knew that he always meant well, but she couldn't help but get frustrated with him sometimes. 

The idea of him getting thrown out of the order because of his feelings for Padme terrified her as much as it did him. She didn't know how she could live without her honorary-older-brother by her side. 

However, she had trouble thinking before she spoke sometimes. It bothered her that Anakin would become angry with her for doing that, when she had watched him get himself in trouble for doing the exact same thing. 

She sighed and pulled the covers up from the bottom of her bed so that she could look under it. She had kept her gifts for her fellow Jedi under there for the past month and a half. 

She always became extremely annoyed when she thought of the "respect" rule. Obi-Wan had told her that it was not required for a padawan to purchase a gift for many of the Jedi masters on Force Day, but it was seen as disrespectful if she did not. 

The only people she had wanted to buy a gift for were Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padme (though she was not a Jedi, she still felt the need to tell her how much she appreciated her). 

She was not very close with many of the other Jedi, so she had decided to buy two gifts for the people who she REALLY appreciated in her life. Part of her considered chopping Anakin's gift into pieces with her lightsaber since he had decided to act like a jerk today, but she knew better than to let her anger and frustration to control her actions.

There was a sort of clanging noise on Ahsoka's door, which startled her, as she was deep in thought. She sat up straight on her bed, and crossed her arms. She knew that it was Anakin partly because of their bond, but also because she knew the clanging sound could only be the sound of his metal hand making contact with her metal door. She was a bit confused, as Anakin usually didn't bother knocking when he came to visit her in her quarters.

"C'mon, Snips. I'm sorry for being so rude before."

"I'm not letting you in. I'm very annoyed with you right now," she replied, making her voice deeper to imitate her master. She heard Anakin sigh from the other side of the door.

"Okay, fine. If you're gonna be mad at me, stay mad at me. Obi-Wan just informed me that there is supposed to be a suprise Seperatist attack tonight. It could be happening earlier. The Force Day celebration is starting earlier than usual today so that we can all be prepared for when they come. Anyway, I'm supposed to bring you down to the Dining Hall for the celebration."

"Thanks, but I can walk down there all by myself. Or maybe you could get Master Kenobi to bring me down." She could practically hear her master rolling his eyes.

"You can certainly hold a grudge," he muttered.

"Took a leaf out of your book, actually, Master. Remember that time that you wouldn't talk to me for six rotations after our mission because I disobeyed your orders. I don't know why you were so mad. You would've died if it weren't for me."

"AHSOKA TANO, GET OUT HERE NOW!" Anakin yelled, seeming to have finally reached his breaking point. Ahsoka smirked. Annoying him this much had been her plan all along. She was satisfied with her work, and was now ready to forgive him. She scooped all of her gifts into a much bigger box and exited her room.

"I forgive you, Master. Happy Force Day!" she said, smirking. Anakin rolled his eyes.

"You forgive me.... And?"

"And, what?"

"I'm waiting for your apology for being so loud about," he lowered his voice, "About 'you know what'."

"Fine. I'm sorry for making that joke."

"Alright. Then let's put this all behind us," he relplied, smiling warmly. Ahsoka smiled back. "Do you think the council would mind if we're a little late?"

"Uh oh. What're you up to?" Ahsoka asked.

"I thought you said you had a gift for me. I've got one for you as well."

"I thought that masters didn't have to bring a gift for their padawans."

"They don't. But I thought that it would be disrespecful  to not get a gift for my little sister."

Ahsoka smiled, and handed a box to him. He tossed a small package to her, and they both sat down to open them.

Ahsoka's smile widened as she pulled out a pair of brown, leather, fingerless gloves.

"They help you to get a better grip on your lightsaber. You know, so that you don't drop it again like that one time-"

"Yeah, yeah, I remember," Ahsoka muttered, smirking. "Thanks, Skyguy."

"Anytime." He opened the box from Ahsoka to find a pair of black leather boots. "Snips, these must've cost you a fortune!"

"Yeah, well they stick to the floor better than the ones that you've got. You can wear these new ones so that you don't slip and fall anymore," she chuckled.

"It was one  time, Ahsoka. You're never going to let that go, are you?


"Well, thank you for your gift. Happy Force-"

Anakin stood up abruptly. Ahsoka did as well. She picked up both of the gifts and pushed them into her room, shutting the door firmly.

"Battle droids," she said, sensing the familiar droids from down below. 

"Let's go!"

"Race you to the front lines!"

"You're on!"

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