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i'm back with the sour series yayyy!! ive tried writing a couple times in the past few days and my motivation and energy just said hELL NO but i'm trying again today.

"Do you really think that she's better off without me?" Anakin asked weakly as Obi-Wan gently pushed his shoulder to get him to lay back down.

"She has a lot of things that she needs to sort out, Padawan mine," Obi-Wan explained.

"But what if she gets sick? She doesn't know how to take care of herself, Master, I need to go find her."

Anakin attempted to shove his master off of him, ready to flee from the temple and go find Ahsoka- she was his responsibility, for Force sake.

"Anakin, no. She needs to find herself before she can come back to you."

"Don't give me that crap- she belongs here."

"You need to comprehend that the best place for her right now may not be with you. Anakin, don't you want her to be happy?" Obi-Wan asked gently.

Anakin glared up at him.

"You think that I don't want her to be happy?!" he yelled, successfully sitting up this time. "It's all I've ever wanted since I met her, what the hell has gotten into you to make you think that I don't want what's best for her!?"

"You will not use that tone of voice with me, young one!" Obi-Wan snapped, letting go of his usual calm demeanor. "You are not right in the head right now, and I know how much you're hurting, but you need to be reasonable."

"Reasonable? I'm the one who's being unreasonable because I don't want my sixteen year old child living alone on the lower levels of Coruscant- actually, I don't even know where she is! How can you be okay with this?"

"You need to trust her. You need to trust yourself to have taught her well enough that she'll be alright. And she will come back to you eventually."

"But- she- you don't," Anakin sputtered, resting his face in his hands. "What if she finds something new- a new family, Master? I can't- I can't just be left behind by her like that after everything we went through together."

Obi-Wan pondered that thought for a few moments.

"Well... wouldn't you be happy for her if she found new people who make her happy?" he asked.

Anakin stared at the wall, a faraway look in his eyes. He visualized Ahsoka- his Ahsoka -with new friends, new brothers, sisters, people she would view as parents even... could she really be happy without him?

He loved her.

He thought that she'd loved him too. Hell, she'd told him that she did!

Selfishly, he prayed that she would never find someone to love like she did him- no other brothers.

"I hope that she's happy," he finally whispered.

Just not like how she was with me.

so basically everything at home is a HUGE disaster but i am happily ignoring it all with the beautiful weather and country music. it's great :)

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