Drunk Part 2

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request from anxiety_banana that i'm super hyped to write cuz i started writing a sequel to this chapter but then i scrapped it cuz it was bad lol. but i'm so glad someone asked for this bc i rly wanted to write it so thx!

Ahsoka Tano wasn't sure what her expectations had been for her first time getting drunk.

She had drank before on a couple of occasions (courtesy of Rex and Anakin), but they had never allowed her to have any more than a sip, or two.

Last night, she had definitely had more than a sip.

She had expected a hangover the next morning, of course- maybe even to wake up on one of her friends' couches.

The absolute last thing she had expected was to wake up in Anakin's quarters of all places.

For a fleeting moment, she had panicked at the implications- and then panicked some more when she realized that they were in the same bed.

But after taking a moment to assess the situation, she quickly realized that they were (thank the Force) fully clothed. It was ridiculous to imagine that, even drunk, that could happen between her and Anakin, but she had heard enough stories from the clones and some of her new friends to be a bit concerned.

It felt like the room was spinning as she propped herself up on her elbows that morning, Anakin's soft snores the only noise in the room.

She squinted at him, trying to pry the blankets out from underneath him so she could wriggle off of the mattress and hopefully leave without him noticing.

He noticed.

"Hey, hey, lay back down," he whispered groggily, pressing a hand to her shoulder to ease her back onto the pillow.


"I'm going to go get you some caf, okay?" He adjusted the covers, tucking them under her chin, and swung his legs over the side of the bed. "I'm gonna take care of you, it'll be alright."

She managed a small smile in return to the one he gave her, and snuggled deeper into the the blankets as he left the room. She laid on her side, turning her head into her pillow every few seconds in a attempt to rid herself of her horrible headache.

She fell back into a light sleep, waking when she heard footsteps coming towards her. She opened one eye, and saw that Anakin had crouched down beside his bed. He placed something on the bedside table before reaching out a hand and pressing his knuckles to her forehead.

"Water and caf," he said, taking his hand away to point out the two drinks. "Finish them both all the way- I promise it'll help."

"Been in this situation before?" she asked, pushing herself into a sitting position and taking the water first.

"Once or twice," Anakin replied with a shrug. "Want me to stay with you, or wait outside until you're finished? I think we need to have a conversation." His tone became a bit harsher, and Ahsoka winced.

"No, I'd rather you stay." She thought for a few moments before adding, "Thank you for helping me out last night. I'm sorry for making you go all the way down there for me."

"Snips, you know I would go to the ends of the galaxy and back again for you. But, you have to be more responsible," he sighed in reply. "I really hope this was a one-time thing."

"It was!" she insisted quickly. "I swear. I'm not an alcoholic. This was the first time I've ever gotten drunk."

"Do you think you've learned your lesson? Because, if not, there's a huge pile of vomit waiting for you to clean up on the floor of my ship," Anakin said with a smirk.

"I'm sorry. I'll clean it up." She looked down before meeting his gaze again. "I'd like to keep in touch with you," she said in a quiet voice.

"Really? Because you've ignored all of my-"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry for that too," she sighed. "I'm just starting to realize that maybe I do still need you."

"Hey, look at me," he whispered as she looked down at her lap. He cupped her cheek, gently turning her head to face him. "I need you too. And I'll always be there for you when you need me... that's what family is for."

Ahsoka cracked a smile.

"Thank you."

just rewatched season 6 and FIVESSSS NOOOO but also, clone wars anidala is just superior to movie anidala in every way. i'm sorry. no hate to the prequels, rots is my fav. but their movie romance grosses me out.

have a great day!

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