Moving Out

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Ahsoka  could feel the pride radiating off of her master as her Padawan beads were cut from her lekku. 

Begging for Ahsoka to not leave the Jedi order, the council had decided that the strength she had shown throughout her "Great Trial" was more than enough to prove that she was ready to advance in her ranks. She was not completely satisfied with their 'apology', but she knew that she couldn't leave. They needed her.

"You are officially a Jedi Knight," Anakin spoke, beaming. Ahsoka smiled back at him as she turned around. A light applause followed his statement before the other Jedi began to clear out of the room.

Anakin crouched down a few inches so that he was at the same height as Ahsoka, and leaned forward to whisper something.

"Would've hugged you if the other Jedi weren't here." He grinned. Ahsoka's mouth curled into a smile, but Anakin could tell that it was forced. "Come on, let's go start packing up your stuff."

"Okay," Ahsoka responded, turning around before she could see Anakin's smile fade away. He frowned and jogged after her.

"What's up with you? You just got knighted! Why are you so upset?"

"I'm not upset," Ahsoka replied numbly.

"I know what'll cheer you up. We could have a little party tonight. Me, you, Rex and the boys... maybe Obi-Wan'll even miss some of his precious beauty sleep for it. We could-"

"I don't really want to have a party," she said coldly. "But thank you," she added. Anakin didn't speak for the rest of the walk to their quarters.

The two of them packed Ahsoka's boxes in silence. Anakin could tell that she was in a bad mood, so he decided to leave her alone with her thoughts.

Everything that the Togruta owned was packed in about an hour, due to the fact that Jedi were not allowed have many possessions.

As the sky darkened outside, Anakin helped his old student to unpack her few belongings into her new room a few doors down from his. Just as she finished making her new bed, Ahsoka finally spoke up.

"I'm going to miss living with you," she said quietly.

"Is that  what this whole bad attitude of yours has been about today?"

"I don't know," Ahsoka muttered. "Maybe."

Anakin didn't respond. He was going to miss living with Ahsoka as well, but he knew that she needed to learn how to live on her own. It was difficult for him to say goodbye to his Padawan, but he felt that he needed to be strong for his Snips. He continued to focus on how proud he was of her new rank.

Ahsoka crawled into bed, said a half-hearted "goodnight", and pulled her blankets up to her chin. Anakin patted her shoulder and left the room.

Within seconds, Ahsoka's pillow was soaking wet. Tears were slipping out of her eyes uncontrollably as she went over everything that had happened in the past few days. She was glad that her trial was over, and that Barriss had been imprisoned for her crimes, but her feelings were conflicted when it came to her being knighted. It felt like the order was trying to bribe her to stay. She also hated that she wouldn't be with Anakin anymore. All the other Padawans got to spend ten  years with their masters. She couldn't believe that her time with her best friend had been shortened by so much.

She cried softly to herself as she looked around her new room. She loathed it. She loathed the entirety of her new quarters. She was all alone now. No one to stay up having mini-lightsaber-duels with. No one to lean her head against while watching a holo-film together. No one to play lightsaber limbo with. No one. No one at all.

After a few hours of restlessness, Ahsoka pulled her blankets off of herself and padded across the floor to the door of her room. She exited into the hallway and made her way to her old quarters.

She entered Anakin's passcode into the door: 8108.

She tiptoed over to her old master's bed, still sniffling quietly. 

"Snips?" he asked, sitting up groggily. He rubbed his eyes, clearly having been half asleep when Ahsoka entered.

"I'm sorry," she said, her voice shaking. "I was so rude to you today. Of course I'm happy that I'm a Jedi knight now, but... but I'm just going to miss you so much."

"Aww, Snips. Come here," Anakin cooed waving her over to his side. She crawled up onto his bed, just as she had done on so many other occasions when she or Anakin had woken up from a terrible nightmare or something.

"I don't want to leave," she cried.

"Are you crying?" he asked softly, hugging her close to him.

"Shut up," Ahsoka replied, leaning her head into his chest. Anakin laughed quietly.

"Snips, you've got nothing to worry about. I'm not Obi-Wan's Padawan anymore and him and I still see each other all the time. We'll still have plenty of missions together. And you can come over any time you want," he continued, rubbing her back. "I swear, Ahsoka, if you get snot on my night robes-"

Ahsoka smiled and laughed, interrupting Anakin's sentence.

"Did I do it? Did I cheer you up?"

"A little bit, yeah."

"Good." Anakin rolled over to the side and pulled his blanket up over himself. He turned back over and wrapped his arm around Ahsoka. "Now, shouldn't you get back to your own room?"

"Nooo," Ahsoka groaned. "Can I please spend the night here? Pretty please?"

"Alright. But just this once," he replied, grinning. He had a feeling that sleepovers would become common for the two of them.

"G'night, Mas- Skyguy," Ahsoka mumbled, correcting herself.

"Goodnight, Snips."

"Quit hogging the blankets!"

Hope everyone had a great Halloween! Holiday season is just about here so YEEEEAAAAAAAYYYYY!

Also this book is #1 in obitine right now which is COOL i guess even though only one part (so far) has obitine. BUT STILL PRETTY COOL!

Comment ideas for future one shots if ya want, and have a great day :)

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