Simple Life

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Request from crazymango77 :) I'm sorry that this took so long, I went out for the first time in 3 months this weekend so I was busy and then super tired.

Modern p. 5 will be out tomorrow!

"But, it gets better still!" Ahsoka insisted, tossing the rolled-up socks into a basket. "When Master Kenobi tried to get me to meditate on it, I subconsciously knocked a whole tree down with the Force- something he said that only Anakin has ever done."

"Oh?" Padme asked, trying to hide her hands as she refolded the pants that Ahsoka had placed in the basket a few seconds ago.

"Yeah... which was really, really weird. So, when Anakin finally came back from the front, he was able to meditate with me, and the whole vision went away entirely!" she exclaimed. "I'm not sure what it is with us... Obi-Wan mentioned the word 'dyad', but I'm not really sure what it means... who knows," she laughed.

"Maybe it was just fate that you two were paired up... or, you know, the Force," Padme chuckled. "I'm not exactly sure how to speak your language."

"Eh, you're doing just fine," Ahsoka replied, swiping one of Anakin's sleep shirts from his pile of laundry. She tossed it to Padme, and grabbed another for herself.

"What's this for?" she laughed.

"Oh, you know, men's clothes are much more comfortable. What Anakin doesn't know won't hurt him," Ahsoka mused, tucking the shirt into her own pile. Padme continued to laugh, shaking her head.

"When did the council say that he'd be back again?" she asked.

"Sometime today probably. After all the stress he had to go through with my trial, they wouldn't send him away for too long," Ahsoka answered, her voice suddenly quiet as a dark tone took over.

Padme placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"It all worked out in the end though, didn't it?" 

"Yeah... yeah it did." Ahsoka returned the Senator's smile gratefully, just as a knock rang out on the door.

"Anakin?" Padme asked hopefully, standing up to exit her bedroom.

"Yes," Ahsoka confirmed, sensing his presence.

"Perfect," Padme chided. "Just in time for our first official family dinner."

"Wife," Anakin greeted jokingly, sweeping her into a hug. He dipped her dramatically, making them both laugh, and pressed a firm kiss to her lips.

"Daughter," he continued, standing Padme back up, and leaning down to kiss Ahsoka on the cheek.

"Father," Ahsoka giggled, hugging him back. Anakin laughed, taking both of their hands in his own and leading them over to the couch.

Padme and Ahsoka shared a confused look with one another as Anakin sat them both down on the couch, taking the floor for himself. He inhaled deeply, and squeezed their hands.

"What's going on?" Padme asked, leaning forward, concerned.

"I missed you both so much," he began.

"Well yeah, why wouldn't you?" Ahsoka mumbled, earning herself an eye roll from Anakin.

"I don't think you understand," Anakin sighed. "I missed you both so much. I don't want to miss either one of you anymore..."

Padme caught on almost instantly, eyebrows raising. Ahsoka watched the wordless conversation between her (newly) adoptive parents, still not understanding.

"You didn't," Padme breathed.

"Took a leaf out of Ahsoka's book and decided it was time for me to go. Life is short. Might as well spend it with the people I love the most... and that's you guys."

Ahsoka's eyes widened.

"Are you serious?!" she exclaimed.

"Dead serious, 'Soka," he answered with a grin.

Padme climbed off of the couch to hug him tightly. He wrapped one arm around her, still clutching Ahsoka's hand with the other. Anakin tugged Ahsoka down gently, and she added herself to the pile.

"We're going to be a real family," he whispered. "The Skywalker family- er, unless you both want to keep your last names. I didn't-"

"The Skywalker family," Ahsoka and Padme spoke in unison quickly.

"I can't believe this is real," Ahsoka laughed.

"Believe it," Padme replied, squeezing her shoulder.

"You're stuck with us, Snips."

"Shut up," she chuckled, punching Anakin in the side.

Their group hug was interrupted by a loud beeping noise. All three of them quickly turned around to see smoke traveling throughout the kitchen.

"Kriff," Padme cussed, standing up. Anakin and Ahsoka were at her side in an instant. "Well, so much for our first family dinner," she giggled, placing the blackened meat on the table.

"How about we make it all together," Anakin suggested.

"You? Do work? Yeah, right," Ahsoka joked.

"That's no way to talk to your father," Anakin snapped back playfully. Ahsoka rolled her eyes.

"I think that's a great idea. Ani, grab the spices from that cabinet," Padme began, pointing. "Ahsoka, there's some frozen meat in freezer; you can take your pick."

"Yes, Ma'am," Anakin chuckled, saluting.

Parents, Ahsoka thought with a smile. Who woulda thought?

They woulda been the best family 🥺

WandaVision spoilers







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