The Call Part 1

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Request from Ferb_Is_Sexy :)

Anakin Skywalker lived- but only for a moment.

The flame of Vader's former identity flickered into existence as the presence of one Ahsoka Tano, not particularly bright in the Force to anyone except for him (and maybe Obi-Wan), rippled throughout the snow-covered moon.

The lightsaber- the one that was her life -was nearly buried beneath the frost, the button rusted as he pressed a gloved finger into it.

Her life was in his hand.

Which meant it could be nowhere else.

And the flame was nearly snuffed out. It would've been, if not for the screaming cry of the convor above him.

It swooped down to him just as he sheathed the saber, hovering just a few inches in front him. He turned away, but the bird was in front of him in an instant.

A part of him was annoyed, wanting to ignite Ahsoka's saber, slash it through its flesh, but an even bigger part of him urged him to see what it was here for.

He soon discovered that it wanted him to follow it. He clenched his fists- he did not have time for such games.

But everything about this convor screamed Ahsoka, and if there was any hope of her still being alive, he knew that he had to go along with it.

If she was alive, he had to see her.

He had to.

And so he went along with the bird's game, his long steps not nearly long enough to keep up with the crazed flapping of its wings as he drew further and further away from his troopers.

He growled under his mask, still tipping back and forth between Anakin and Vader as the time passed. He steadily grew more and more frustrated.

Their game of chase had gone on for nearly an hour, when Vader suddenly realized how stupid this was. He should never have followed this crazy convor.

He froze in his tracks making to turn around, when the convor shrieked making a wild dive toward him.

He swatted it away as it clawed at its helmet, his hand wrapping around the hilt of Ahsoka's lightsaber. Just as he ignited it, however, a voice from behind him made him stop.

"No," Ahsoka spat dryly.

He turned around as the convor flew off, retracting the blade into its hilt.

"Who are you, and where did you get that," she hissed, one hand flicking towards the saber he still held.

"What makes you think I should answer to you?" he asked. He was expecting her to fight him now- after all, that's exactly what he would've done if he were in he position.

But instead, she tilted her head to the side, trying to take in his sight- his presence.

"Is there a problem?" he growled, stepping closer to her.

His height overwhelmed her as she disappeared in his shadow, but she tried her hardest to keep a straight face through her fear.

If Anakin hadn't known her so well, he wouldn't have noticed the way that her fingers twisted into one another- that was always her tell when she was afraid.

And Anakin knew that.

Vader did not.

"There is something... familiar about you," she said in a low voice. "Something familiar to my mas- brother." She coughed the last word out, seemingly forgetting for a moment that her Jedi identity was not supposed to be known by anyone.

"My brother," she repeated, more confident this time. "My brother, Anakin Skywalker."

Her eyes narrowed as she realized what this overwhelming sense of familiarity could mean.

"You killed him."

Vader clenched his fists, glaring down at her.

"No, Ahsoka. I am your brother."

aaaaand that's where we leave off for today. i'm so excited for tfatws tomorrow!


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