Hugging Siblings Part 1

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So, a little while ago, there was this trend going around where people would just randomly hug their siblings to see their reactions.

Now, we all know that Ahsoka would totally have social media in our time period, and she would participate in the challenges and stuff. We also know that she has a bunch of honorary siblings and it's SUPER sweet.

So, I'm going to write this as her doing this challenge with each of her "siblings". This first part is going to depict the interactions as sweet and a bit more... emotional-ish I guess? The second part will be the same thing, but the interactions will be more playful and less serious.

It's gonna be a bit longer than the usual one shots.



Obi-Wan gently tipped the delicate kettle, letting the steaming water splash into both of the metallic mugs.

He took one in each hand, and pivoted to walk back to the table, where Ahsoka was sitting patiently, scrolling through the holo-web. She was spending the night at his quarters while Anakin was away on a mission for the weekend.

Anakin had been very vague about his mission, saying that it was top-secret, leading Obi-Wan to believe that it was not a mission at all, but a getaway with Senator Amidala.

Yes, he had suspected much about their relationship for awhile now, but he had never spoken of it to anyone.

As he took a few steps towards the table, Ahsoka surprised him by standing up, and walking towards him.

His brows furrowed in confusion as she promptly wrapped her arms around his neck, and placed her head comfortably in the crook of his neck, under his beard.

Obi-Wan stiffened. He gently reached behind her to place the hot mugs of tea on the table. He was not used to receiving physical affection. The last person who had hugged him had been Anakin, when he was a bit younger. Clearly seeing that the gesture had made him uncomfortable, he hadn't reached out to him like that anymore.

After a few seconds, he relaxed, reminding himself that Ahsoka was just a young girl, thrown into a war far too early in her life.

Perhaps she was trying to tell him something with this gesture. He slowly lifted his arms, and wrapped them around her back, patting her a bit awkwardly.

"Is everything alright, Young One?" he asked.

"Yes," she responded simply, her voice muffled by his clothing. The corners of his mouth lifted into a tight smile.

He did not mind being hugged, he was just simply not used to it. He did not want to push her away the same way that he had done to Anakin.

"Alright then," he whispered. "Thank you, Ahsoka."


Rex carefully rested his helmet against his waist, looking down at the battlefield sadly as the ship lifted off of the ground.

He closed his eyes, trying to ignore the everlasting lump in his throat as he remembered his fallen brothers. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying his best to hold it together. He was about to place his helmet back on his head, when he felt a small hand grab his own.

He turned to the side to see his Commander, Ahsoka, standing beside him, a comforting smile on her face.

Before he knew it, she had reached forward and folded her arms around his back. He was taken aback for a moment, but he quickly returned the gesture with a gentle hug, trying not to pull her in too tightly. He didn't want to hurt her with his armor.

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