New Acquaintances

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A cold wind swept through the air, as she stared down the hill at the strange visitors. She carefully rested her hands on her lightsabers as her cloak billowed in the breeze, tickling her hands.

Her eyes narrowed as the uninvited guests trudged up the rocky hills of Corvus. They were certainly coming her way.

Her mind told her to to be prepared to attack the intruders, but her instincts told her to remain calm.

She could practically hear Rex's voice saying, "At ease," as she lowered her hands to her sides, and away from her lightsabers. She missed her friend terribly, and had not let a day go by since his death without thinking of him.

"Hello," stated a voice to her left. Her head snapped to the side. Its owner was a Mandalorian, dressed from head to toe in his native armor.

"Who are you?" she responded. Her voice was not afraid, and her tone was not accusatory. She asked as if she was genuinely curious, which she was. Many people were fascinated by force users. She wanted to know why he was here.

"I was sent here to find you, by Bo-Katan. You are Ahsoka Tano?" he asked. Ahsoka's eyes widened at the mention of Bo. What did she want?

"I am. How can I help you?"

"It is not me who needs your help... it's The Child," he answered, shifting his stance to the side to reveal a sleeping creature.

"Yoda..." Ahsoka whispered to herself, memories of training as a youngling flowing back into her head. She had never seen anyone of the same species as the wrinkly, little green Master.

"He can do things... move things without touching them, and much more. I was told to bring him  to the Jedi. Bo-Katan told me that was you," the man continued. Ahsoka inhaled slowly. Should she tell him that she was no longer a Jedi?

No, spoke a voice in her head... a strange voice that she had been hearing quite a lot lately. The title of a 'Jedi' does not mean the same thing as it did when you left.

"Well, let's see what he can do then," she replied brightly. "Would it be alright to wake him?"

The Mandalorian nodded his head. He gently held The Child out to her, refusing to let her hold him without his supervision.

Ahsoka could sense his unease over her presence. She allowed The Child to remain in the Mandalorian's hands. She lowered her hand to The Child's head. She let her mental shields collapse, as she entered his mind.

His dreams were full of images of him traveling the galaxy with the Mandalorian. She could sense nothing but the light side of the force as she became familiar with his presence.

She gently shook him awake.

His big eyes blinked slowly as he looked up at her. His head turned to the Mandalorian.

"It's alright; she's safe," he responded, still not letting go of The Child.

Well done, the voice in her head complimented. You've established a trust. That's the first step in creating a bond between a Master and a Padawan.

Ahsoka's hand dropped from the creature's head.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment," she said frantically, rushing off into her house. 

She crossed her legs as she sat on her floor, her eyes squeezed tightly shut.

"Who are you? And what makes you think that I'll be training a force user? I have no idea how to do that!" she exclaimed, searching for the presence of the voice.

I was just as afraid when I began teaching you...

Her heart skipped a beat.

And, I'm sure... if you search your feelings, you'll know who I am...

"Anakin," she breathed, her eyes filling with tears.

Hey, Snips...

"How can I find you?" she asked desperately.  "If you can speak to me after you've died, then certainly-"

I cannot see you yet... and I'm so sorry for that. Soon, though. Soon, we can see each other again...


I promise I'll come to you, Snips... as soon as I can, I will be there. But, as of now, your job is to train the child...

"How?" Ahsoka whispered. "I don't know where to begin!"

I'll help you. I'll be here every step of the way...

She could practically hear the smile in his voice.

"Thank you," she sniffed, climbing back to her feet, and regaining her composure. She exited her home to find the Mandalorian and The Child both where they were when she had left.

"I will train The Child... it is the will of the Force that he is at my side," she promised.

"I just wanna keep you there in one piece," Anakin's words from along ago echoed in her head. She smiled.

Suddenly, a warmth fell over her right shoulder like nothing she had ever experienced before. She turned her head to the side.

A ghostly form of her old master stood behind her, a translucent gloved hand resting on her shoulder. He winked at her. 

She returned to face the Mandalorian. He nodded his head.

"Let's take him inside," Ahsoka began, guiding them to the door. The pair entered the house, while Ahsoka lingered outside for a few moments.

Anakin's ghost wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Ahsoka looked up at him, her face wearing an expression of pure happiness that she had not had in years. She buried herself in his arms, allowing him to hold her for a few moments. She closed her eyes, embraced in a warmth that she had not felt for so long. His hand stroked her lekku, and he pulled her in tighter.

Softly, he said to her,

I am so proud of you...

How long until Friday 😭

I don't wanna go to school this week cuz my brain refuses to think of anything other than the mandalorian 

Have a great night? Day? Idek anymore. 


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