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Ahsoka screamed.

She ran across the floor and to her master's side.

"No.... no!" she cried, dropping to her knees beside him on the floor. He was laying on his back, shattered glass covering his arm. He seemed to be unconscious, so Ahsoka shook him back and forth, desperate for him to wake up. "What happened?" she muttered to herself.

He shivered lightly and his eyes fluttered open. He could see his Padawan leaning over him, her eyes closed as she tried to connect to him with the force. He struggled to reach one of her orange hands with his own metal one. She jumped when she felt it.

"Oh, thank the Force, I though you were dead," she gasped, gripping his hand tightly.

"Pois... oned," Anakin strained, trying to sit up. Ahsoka helped him up, leaning him up against the side of his bed.

"I'll go get a medical droid," she stated, standing up, confident that she would be able to fix the problem.

"T-too late... for th-that..." he slurred, pulling her back down to the ground. She raised her eye markings.

"What do you mean?" she asked. "I can help you!"

He took each of her hands in her own. He smiled at her sadly. "Don't wanna... don't wanna be alone when it... happens, Snips."

"When what happens?" she continued, searching his face for a hint of what was going on. "You aren't going to die," she whispered, finally realizing what he was talking about.

"No... no, I can already feel it. It'll... it'll be... okay," he said, an unnatural calmness to his voice. Ahsoka shook her head, tears coming to her eyes.

"No... please don't leave me," she cried.

"C-come... here..." He pulled her forward and wrapped his arms around her. She cried into his chest quietly as he rubbed her back.

"Why aren't you even trying? Why are you giving up hope?" she sniffed.

"I'm not giving up hope... I'm just becoming stronger as I become one with the force... We'll see each other again Snips..." he mumbled. Ahsoka looked up at him with sad eyes.


"Promise," he said. "Now listen to me... Padme is pregnant... promise... promise me... that you'll be... there for her when the baby comes."

"Okay," Ahsoka responded, not fully processing his words yet. She nodded her head. Anakin could feel her shaking.

"Shhh..." he whispered. "It'll all... be... o..." his head lolled to the side, and he slid down the side of the bed and to the floor.

Ahsoka pulled away and shook her head. 


AHHHH I JUST GOT CALLED ON IN CLASS WHILE WRITING THIS. Had absolutely no clue what we were talking about and had a mini heart attack.

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