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happy headcanon mondayyy!! also idk where the clones get their tattoos but i've always just liked to think that they all do them for each other, so that's the idea that'll be used for this chapter

also i sorta changed the prompt cuz i originally said the tattoo would be on his shoulder, but i'm changing it to wrist bc that's where i wanna get a tattoo when i'm old enough lol

also also anxiety_banana wrote a fic to this prompt so GO READ IT!!

It was next to impossible to name a clone in the 501st who didn't sport a tattoo of some sort. Hell, it was nearly impossible to name a clone in general who hadn't marked themselves as a sign of their individuality.

And as someone who was very close with his men, Anakin hadn't needed much convincing from them to get a tattoo himself.

He had one on his left shoulder blade, reading, "Aliit ori'shya tal'din". Rex had told him the mando'a saying ("Family is more than blood") when he became their general, so he thought that it would be appropriate.

Fives had rambled on and on to him about how he should get the word "buir" tattooed on himself as well. The trooper was adamant on it meaning "comradeship".

It was only moments after the ink had begun to dry that Fives admitted the real meaning of the word... "father."

"What?!" Anakin had exclaimed, up on his feet in an instant.

"Get it, General? Because you're like the father of the 501st!"

"Huh?! No I'm not! You're all my brothers!"

"Of course, you're the fun dad, but still-"


And before the entire battalion knew what was happening, a very intense game of tackle-tag had begun.

Anakin ended up keeping the tattoo. Whenever he needed a laugh, he would just brush his fingers over the word on the side of his hand and remember the day fondly.

He decided to get his fourth tattoo (he'd gotten the word burcyan on his other hand after Echo told him that it was the word Fives had 'mixed up' buir with) about two years after he took on Ahsoka as his padawan.

He was overwhelmed with relief when she successfully came back to him after being kidnapped by the trandoshans. She had immediately gone for the shower as soon as she was back in their quarters, and Anakin had rushed off to the 501st barracks to personally report to them that she was okay.

They were all just as happy as he was to hear about her return, and Anakin was quick to pull Rex aside before leaving to check in on his padawan.

"Could you do something for me?" he asked.

"What is it, Sir?"

"A tattoo- if you've got the time. I want to get Ahsoka's markings."

Rex's lips pulled up in a smile.

"She'd get a kick out of that," he chuckled, already pulling a pen out to sketch the design. "Where do you want it?"

About three hours later, Anakin was knelt down in front of the couch, wrapping one of his cloaks around Ahsoka's shoulders.

She swallowed a sip of tea from the cup that he had placed in her hands a few minutes earlier before smiling as best she could and whispering,

"Thank you."

Anakin, still crouched in front of her, reached up to cup her face with one of his hands, his eyebrows furrowing as he smiled back at her. He attempted to squish down the uncomfortable lump forming in his throat, but it only made his eyes burn as tears prickled at their edges.

"Of course," he rasped. He made to pull his hand away, but Ahsoka quickly grabbed it.

"What's that?" she asked, pointing to the spot of ink that was visible from where Anakin's sleeve was slipping down.

"I almost forgot," he said, lifting his sleeve the rest of the way off of the tattoo. "I have a surprise for you.

She furrowed the markings above her eyes, staring into his before looking down at his wrist. Her jaw dropped, quickly picking itself back up to form a wide smile on her face.

"That is so cool!" she whisper yelled, lifting his hand up to examine the design. "Now we match," she giggled.

Anakin laughed too, gently pulling his hand from her grasp to wrap it around her shoulders. He kissed her softy on the forehead before pulling her down to his shoulder. Her arms found their way around his neck as well.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again," he said with a squeeze.

"I won't."

credit to emmycristina_ for the "anakin is a dumbass and got a tattoo in a different language, not knowing what it meant" piece!!

i am genuinely so scared about bad batch i can't stop thinking about it. someone working on the show tweeted that they cried working on the final cues and i have never been so terrified in my life


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