There Can Only Be Two...

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"Get to Obi-Wan", "Kill Obi-Wan", "It's Obi-Wan's fault", "Get to Obi-Wan", "Kill Obi-Wan", "It's Obi-Wan's fault"...

These thoughts crowded Darth Vader's head as he marched down the stairs of the temple. The anger boiling in him was directed at one person. One person whom he needed to kill himself. His heart leaped with joy at the thought of the light leaving his old master's eyes. After all, he deserved it. He had held him back. He was the reason that Padme would die. He hadn't taught him everything that he needed to know to keep the love of his life safe. 

"I'm coming for you, Obi-Wan," he thought to himself, his hate growing stronger by the second. "I'm coming for you."

Obi-Wan shuddered. He knew what he would have to do when Anakin arrived. It felt like the wrong thing to do, but he knew that he had to. He had  to. For the sake of the entire galaxy. He had to kill Anakin.

Ahsoka stumbled onto the ship, dazed and dizzy. She hadn't had any intentions to go to Mustafar that day, but she could feel the force calling to her from there. She didn't know much about what she was going to get herself into, but she knew that something was wrong. Very, very wrong.

It had started a few minutes ago. She had arrived at Padme's home, expecting to find her there and hopefully catch up. To her surprise, she discovered that Padme was gone, along with her ship. This had confused Ahsoka greatly. She had heard around Coruscant that Senator Amidala was pregnant. There had been much speculation over who the father was (of course, Ahsoka knew that it was Anakin, but she couldn't say anything). Since Ahsoka knew that Anakin was off on a mission, she knew that had to mean that Padme had flown herself off. Surely, that was dangerous for someone in her condition.

That was when she had begun to worry. She knew that Padme would never put her baby in harm's way unless it was for something seriously important.

The next piece of the puzzle was Anakin. She knew that he would never let Padme put herself in danger. Clearly, he had not been with her when she left. Ahsoka's worry had increased greatly when she attempted to trace him through their bond, but found that she could hardly sense him at all. 

Ahsoka had formed attachments with many people. She never meant to, but sometimes she couldn't help it. However, her attachment to Anakin had been the strongest. Nothing could break their bond. Nothing.

She knew she had to go to Mustafar. She knew she had to find Anakin. Now.

Obi-Wan felt the tears beginning to slip out of his eyes. Fear overtook him as he looked at his once best friend- his once brother.

"Don't try it!" he yelled. He had tried so hard to help him, but he knew that it was useless. Anakin jumped.

In a split second, Obi-Wan made a choice. The hard choice, but the right choice. He swung his saber through the air, his heart breaking as it nearly came in contact with Anakin's body. Nearly.

But it didn't. 

Anakin stood just below Obi-Wan, his blue-ish yellow eyes focusing hard on something behind his old master.

Ahsoka stood just above Obi-Wan, her arm outstretched and her eyes closed. She had used the force to swerve Obi-Wan's lightsaber out of the way, just in time. 

Anakin glared at her.

"You," he growled. "You abandoned me. You wouldn't talk to me when you returned. You-"

"I just  saved your life!" Ahsoka exclaimed. Anakin's eyes faded back to blue for a split second, but they quickly returned to yellow.


"How could you?!" she yelled. "How could you try to murder him, Obi-Wan?!" she screamed.

"You don't understand, Ahsoka. You don't understand what he's done. He's... he's killed younglings..."

"You couldn't have," Ahsoka said in a panicked whisper, looking in horror at her friend. His eyes narrowed. And then she felt it. 

Fear, hate, pain, anger. They all rose in her as she stared into her master's eyes.

"He's trying to kill me," Anakin said, speaking directly to Ahsoka now. "Help me please, Ahsoka, I can't lose anyone else."

Fear, hate, pain, anger, fear, hate, pain, anger, fear, hate, pain, anger. Ahsoka felt them taking over her.

She took a step forward. Then another.

"I won't leave you, master," she said, standing next to Vader. She ignited her lightsabers. "Not this time."

Vader looked into the eyes of his old padawan. He watched with pride and adoration as they faded from blue to yellow.

He could see the terror on Obi-Wan's face. The hurt. He let it fuel him. He lunged at his old master, and in moments, Obi-Wan was dead.

Vader's lightsaber had pounded through his chest, killing him instantly.

"Come along now, my apprentice," Vader said, kicking Obi-Wan's body down the hill and into the flames.

"Yes, Master."

Ahsoka followed closely behind Vader, letting his anger and hatred fill her through their bond. They would be the most powerful team in the galaxy.

"We must kill the Emperor," Vader stated.

"What?!" Ahsoka exclaimed. "He is the very source of your power, Master. Is there nothing that he can be used for?"

"HE IS THE SOURCE OF MY POWER?" Vader screamed, holding Ahsoka in a force choke. She gagged on her words.

"No.... master!" He released her and she began coughing as she followed behind him. 

"The ancient rule of the Sith is that there can only be two. The Emperor is old. You will be more useful to me, young one."

"Yes, Master."

They found the Emperor sitting on a dark throne of stone. 

"You will not kill me, Darth Vader," he said as soon as the pair entered the room. "If you are so quick to betray me, then perhaps it is not you that I want. The young one will be of more service to me."

And with that, he aimed his sith lightning at Vader, who was too caught off guard to lift his saber. 

Ahsoka watched in horror as her old master collapsed to the ground, only moments away from death. The fear and anger only strengthened the pull she felt to the dark side.

"I pledge my undying loyalty to you, Emperor," she said, not bothering to look at Vader on the ground beside her. She made her way up to the throne beside the Emperor. Just as Anakin took his last breath, Ahsoka could swear that his eyes had changed back to blue.

"Don't.... listen... to... him... Sni..p..s," he stuttered. In seconds, he was dead. Ahsoka felt pain, but no longing for him to return. She looked up at the Emperor, her new master, and back down at Anakin's unmoving corpse.

"Traitor," she spat.

I know this one has some plotholes but idrk I'm just doing this for fun. ANYWAYS, comment ideas for future one shots if ya have any and have a good night!

ALSO if you're a sw fan and you haven't heard the song "Wonder" by Shawn Mendes GO LISTEN TO IT AND THINK ABOUT EITHER OBITINE OR ANIDALA IT HURTS lmao sorry that's so random.

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