Shorter Than I Expected

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headcanon monday! it'll probably be tuesday by the time i finish this but i started writing it on monday so whatever.

this headcanon was from a_yuri2_Rancher

"Master, you wouldn't believe it! He was all stooped over at first, y'know?"

"Yup," Anakin agreed, nodding along as his padawan rambled on and on about her fight with General Grievous. 

He'd been panicking for nearly a day after the whole ordeal, constantly bandaging and re-bandaging her wounds until they'd run out of medical supplies in their quarters. Anakin had been forced to shyly ask Kix if they could have more, to which the medic had stifled a laugh as he explained that Ahsoka was fine with her hour-old bandages.

Now that nearly a week had gone by since the fight, Ahsoka had returned to her normal self- bragging non-stop about how she had 'nearly defeated' the cyborg. He seemed to grow scarier and scarier every time that she told the story, and while some would say that she was making things up, Anakin knew her well enough to know that everything that she said was true- just described very vividly for dramatic effect.

"Yeah! And then he stood up and he was a giant, Master! I was only up to his knees, even with my montrals-"

"You mean those little bumps on top of your head?" Anakin asked- he loved teasing Ahsoka about how tiny she was.

"Okay, well, one day those 'bumps on my head' are going to help me outgrow you," she huffed, feeling her cheeks burn. She wasn't even short for her age!

"We'll see about that."

"Anyways, I didn't even think that I would be able to reach his chest with my lightsaber, right? Let alone his head! So I really had no idea how I was going to defeat him!"

"Ahsoka- you didn't defeat him," Anakin reminded her, rolling his eyes.

"But I almost did!" she insisted. "I promise you! I could have if I was just a little taller- I know it. I'll get him when I'm your age, Master- you'll see."

"Of course," Anakin mused, nodding along. "But padawans who don't go to sleep won't be awake enough for saber practice tomorrow, let alone defeating an incredibly tall cyborg." 

He pulled her blankets up to her chin, squeezing her shoulder as she muttered a 'good night' to him.

If her dream was to take down General Grievous, than he'd get that for her, he thought as he exited the room.

Huh, Anakin thought to himself as he stared up at General Grievous.


That was who Ahsoka had described all those years ago?

Sure, he was tall, but not that tall.

The image of him that Anakin had had in his head for the past three years had been so much more terrifying than the one before him.

He nearly laughed at the memory of the little girl (now a young woman, who he had just said goodbye to a few hours ago- he couldn't wait to see her again) he'd tucked into bed all those years ago referring to him as 'a giant'.

"General Grievous," he began, looking up at him. "You're shorter than I expected."

i freaking love this headcanon hahaha it ties so perfectly into canon 

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