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hopefully y'all understand the title by the end of this. or maybe some of you at the beginning idk. i find myself very funny.

Obi-Wan tapped lightly on Anakin's door for the second time, beginning to wonder if he had fallen asleep. There was a light buzz seeping through the metal from the television, and Obi-Wan sighed before entering without any permission- he knew Anakin would want him to turn it off if he had fallen asleep.

He soon discovered that that was not the case as he entered, catching sight of a very awake Anakin Skywalker sitting upright on his couch, the back of it to the door.

"Anakin, why didn't you-"

"Shhhh," the younger man warned, nodding his head downward. One of Obi-Wan's eyebrows shot up as he stepped around the side of the couch to see what Anakin was gesturing to.

"What are you-"

"Shhhh!" Anakin insisted, jabbing his chin towards his lap. It was then that Obi-Wan finally noticed the outline of another figure on the couch in the dark.

Anakin currently had a lapful of togruta, her little legs crossed on top of his as she slumped tiredly against the hands that were massaging her back. Her eyes blinked open every few seconds to watch the movie they were playing on the TV.

Ahsoka absently reached down to her lap where a small bag and a water bottle sat. She pulled a handful of small dark squares out of the bag, popped a few of them into her mouth, and then turned around to offer a few of them to Anakin.

He just smiled and shook his head. She shrugged and turned back around relaxing herself back into her master's hold.

"Go back to sleep," Anakin told her as he kneaded into her shoulders.

"Trying to," she mumbled, her head drooping slightly to the side.

Obi-Wan tapped his oldest padawan on the shoulder, and he looked up quickly in response.

"What's wrong?" he whispered, nodding towards Ahsoka. Anakin sighed and mouthed something back at him.

"What?" Obi-Wan asked, leaning closer.

"Period," Anakin explained quietly, arching himself backwards so that Ahsoka hopefully wouldn't hear him. If she did, she didn't show it.

"I see," Obi-Wan replied. "Have you- Ahsoka, are you alright?" he questioned softly as the light from the TV screen reflected in a tear that slowly dripped down her cheek.

"Hey, Master," she said with a little wave as she turned her head to see him. "I'm fine," she answered with a small laugh.

Anakin almost laughed at Obi-Wan's expression as he turned back around, but kept quiet in case it might distract Ahsoka from her movie and aggravate her.

"Don't question it," he said, shrugging his shoulders. Obi-Wan just sighed.

Ahsoka moved her water bottle and bag to the cushion to her left, and scooted herself back until she was flush up against Anakin's torso. She tucked her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around his middle, her head falling against his shoulder.

"Ready to sleep now?" Anakin asked, still gently rubbing her back. She nodded, her eyes remaining shut as she sighed contentedly. "Could you grab that blanket?" he asked Obi-Wan, leaning forward so his master could pull the blanket that was draped across the back of the couch out from behind him.

Obi-Wan carefully wrapped it around the two of them, smiling softly.

"Would you like me to carry her to her room?" he asked. Anakin shook his head, glancing down at his padawan with a fond grin.

"That's okay... I think she's comfortable right here."

y'all i swear if i see another "if we had 5 more minutes" anakin and ahsoka tiktok i'm actually gonna lose my mind-

also i'm literally so hyped for bad batch on friday I WANT MORE OMEGA CONTENT I LOVE THAT CHILD

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