Q + A

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okay so y'all came through with the questions lmao i was so scared that i'd only get like five but there were a lot so THANK YOU! also im putting a heart next to everyone's names the color of the vibes you give me idk

from Mar17209 🧡

How did you get into star wars?

basically my cousins came over one night when i was grounded and watched episodes 4 and 5 with my older sisters and they kept on telling me that i would LOVE it (it's ironic bc they both DESPISE sw now cuz i never shut up about it) so finally one night when my dad (who was a huge fan when the movies were first coming out) wanted to show it to my brother, i decided to watch with them.

over my winter break that year, for seven nights straight (tfa was the last one out at the time), my siblings and dad and i would all cram into my parent's bed and all watch star wars together and it's honestly my favorite memory ever... great times.

Favorite fandom at the moment and in general?

I think that my favorite fandom and the one that had the biggest impact on me was probably harry potter, but star wars is the one that I keep coming back to because it was my first. it feels like home to me. at the moment it's star wars and it has been since i finished clone wars because it STILL HURTS.

Favorite book?

ugh there are so many good ones. i'm going to give some outside of hp bc that's obviously my #1 haha

Out of my Mind, Bigger than a Breadbox, Wonder, The Lions of Little Rock, and Pennies from Heaven we're some of my favs as a kid but the books that take the cake for my favorite have got to be The Doll People series. Like- it's SO GOOD.

i used to be a HUUUUGEEE reader as a kid, but once school started taking up all my time i sort of drifted from it. i miss it so much though :(

Favorite Fanfic?

ooh! okay i think that i've recommended this to y'all before but it's on ao3 and called "The Season's Rain" by Bythoseburningembers. It's like SUUUPER in character ahsoka, obi-wan, anakin, and rex family stuff and it's just so good.

there's also a fic called "better late than never" by makaronik on there that i'm super into. it's not finished yet but it's a vader redemption fic and i LOOOOVE it.

Favorite star wars character and why?

Anakin. Anakin forever. Ahsoka is a VERRRRRY close second (to the point that when ppl ask i usually say both of them), but Anakin wins if i have to choose between them.

i'm not really sure why he was my fav in the beginning. i just sort of latched onto him when i first watched star wars (probably bc i watched in chronological order) and he was just my hero! and then when i watched clone wars, i realized just how sad his life really was and how he just wanted to love and be loved and he never thinks he's enough, and that's when i started to relate to him.

i love how good his heart is, ESPECIALLY in tcw. he just wants to help and love his family and keep them safe but he's being manipulated at the same time and UGH i love him so much.

Favorite marvel character and why?

it's a huge fat tie between bucky and loki. i loved bucky when i first watched first avenger bc he was just so happy and smiley and he was this huge ray of sunshine and i LOVED HIMMM. but then obviously some stuff happened and he became the winter soldier and i screamed and fell on the floor when that happened lmao. i just always rly liked how far they took his character. he's immediately so likeable and then they 'kill' him but then he gets to come back and have trauma! yayyyyy....

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