Stepping Up

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KateBishop2021 IM SO SORRY THAT YOURE SICK!! i hope you feel better soon 🥺 you said sick fic, so you shall receive sick fic :)

Ahsoka wrinkled her nose, gagging from above the pot of boiling water where she was stirring the combination of spices and herbs which Obi-Wan had instructed Anakin to inhale. Apparently the recipe had been passed down through each generation of their lineage, a master caring for their sick padawan a rite of passage of sorts.

A padawan caring for their sick master however, was not.

Fortunately for her, she had not been sick enough in her two years as Anakin's apprentice to warrant hours of revolting-smelling steam in her face from Master Yoda's ancient recipes.

Unfortunately, she currently had to experience it from the other end. Anakin was sick, and Obi-Wan was off on a mission.

That had left her and Rex to take care of him together, which had been fun until Rex had come down with the same thing as him, and decided to stay in the barracks for his recovery.

And that was how she found herself kneeling before hers and Anakin's couch, pressing a cool cloth to her master's head after the steaming pot had been placed on the table beside him.

"Cold... 'Soka, stop," he muttered, swatting her hand away as she dabbed at the sweat coating his cheek.

"No kark, Master," she grumbled, continuing her process against his will, ignoring his constant complaints.

He drifted back off to sleep after a few minutes, the short argument with his padawan taking up too much of his energy.

"Idiot," she sighed, reaching forward with the towel to gently push his hair back from where it was stuck to his forehead. His brows pinched together in his sleep, but she smoothed a hand over them, relaxing him once again.

She pulled the cloth back, reaching for the tympanic thermometer to the left of the pot, and pressing it gently into his ear, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she waited for it to beep.

Not a second later, she pulled it back to read that, though the numbers were lower than that morning, he still had a fever after three days of this. 

She sighed, dropping the thermometer back where she had found it, and scooting even closer to the couch so she could rest her chin in the space on the cushion next to his waist. Likely sensing that she was there, his hand moved from his stomach to her head, the familiar weight pressed between her montrals. She closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Master."

She laid her cheek against his stomach.

"I have no idea what I'm doing," she whispered. "I just want you to be okay."

"Doing just fine, Snips."

Her head shot up, quickly meeting his exhausted eyes with her own, nearly as tired as his. She hadn't slept much in the past couple of days.

He smiled, pushing her back down to lay on him.

"We should both get some rest," he said softly, brushing his thumb back and forth over her right montral.

"But what if—"

"I'll be fine," he promised. "And I'll wake you if I need you, okay?"

"Promise?" she asked, already beginning to close her eyes again.

"Of course."

Just as she was about to let herself slip off, she heard from above herself,


"Mhm?" she asked, face squished between his hand and torso.

"This stuff smells awful."


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