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Request from Ferb_Is_Sexy! time to go do one of my favorite things ever- yell at lux bonteri :)

also i'm sorry if any of this is inaccurate cuz it's been a lil while since i watched this episode

Anakin knew something was wrong the moment that he heard her knock on his door. Ahsoka never knocked. 

"Uh... come in," he said uneasily, lazily lifting his hand to slide the door open.

She looked at him, her big blue eyes full of worry as she stepped closer to his bed, where he was filling out mission reports.

"Anakin, can I talk to you?" she asked quietly, her gaze flicking down to the ground as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"O-of course," he stuttered, sitting himself up. 

He patted the spot next to him on the blankets. Ahsoka sat down tentatively, leaving a few inches of space between them.

"Um," she gulped. "I'm not really sure if I should even be talking to you about this," she began quietly.

"Hey," he whispered, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "You can talk to me about anything."

"I know," she sniffled, and Anakin silently cursed himself for not realizing how close she already was to tears. What could've possibly shaken his Snips so badly?

"It's okay," he said, rubbing his thumb over her shoulder. "Listen, I'm not your master right now- I'm just your friend. I don't want you to be afraid of opening up to me."

"I'm not afraid of talking to you," she answered quickly, looking up to meet his gaze. She sighed, burying her face in her hands. "I just... it's kind of hard for me to talk about this to someone. I feel like it shouldn't be upsetting me so much."

"Take all the time you need, Snips."

She sighed again, lifting her head up once more.

"Okay, well, it all started out when I went to go and help a friend of mine. I thought he was going to be killed, so of course I helped him. But... but after I rescued him, he sort of... kidnapped me," she whispered.

Anakin's hand had frozen on her shoulder. She didn't even bother looking up to see his reaction. Before she knew it, words were pouring out of her mouth.

"Yeah, he was adamant on joining this group of people who were plotting against Dooku, just like my friend was. So, he stunned me and took me with him to meet with these people, but they turned out to be... well, it was Death Watch actually." 

This time, she did look up. Anakin's mouth was open, his eyes boring holes into the floor as he took this information in.

"Anyways, that wasn't the worst part of it really. I can handle terrorists. The part that bothered- well bothered  isn't really a good word for it -more like 'freaked me out', was when my friend... er... kissed me to keep our cover."

She had to tap Anakin's hand twice to get him to loosen his death grip on her shoulder. He stared down at her with wide, sad, angry eyes. She knew the anger wasn't directed at her.

"But then he realized he was wrong to join with the terrorists, and made the right choices. When we were parting ways though, I just... ugh... I made it seem like I was actually interested in him. I don't know if I really was or not, but now," she sighed, "now every time I think of him I just feel-"

"Revolted?" Anakin asked.

"I was gonna say 'uncomfortable', but I guess that works too."

Neither one of them spoke for a few moments. Ahsoka was unsure when the tears that she had been holding in finally slid down her cheeks.

Anakin reached forward to brush them away.

"You did the right thing to talk to me, Snips. No one should ever make you feel the way that he did- ever."

He then hugged her tighter than she had ever been hugged before. She had never felt quite as safe as she did while wrapped tightly in her brother's embrace because she knew that he would never let anyone hurt her- never.

"You know I would never judge you for your feelings. Just... please tell me if there's anything I can do to make it better."


Lux frowned at the message waiting for him. It seemed as if it was from Ahsoka, but instead of the togruta he had recently parted ways with, a man's pixely glare was staring at him.

He pressed 'play' on the video.

"Listen to me, Lux Bonteri- I don't know who you think you are, but if you lay a finger on my Ahsoka again, I can assure you that you'll wish that you had never been born.

How dare you kidnap her after she saved your life! How dare you kiss to get her to stop talking?

Ahsoka is more than just my Padawan- she's my sister -and I will protect her like she's my own child until the day I die. So I'm telling you this one time, and you'd better listen closely: Stay away from my kid."

who's 🕺been💃messing🕺up💃everything🕺it's 💃been🕺agatha💃all🕺along💃 

🙄☝and I killed sparky too

haaaave a great night (or morning ig). valentine's day p3 will be out later :)

also the new spidey movie is called "no way home" and i'm HYPED (thank goodness they gave us a real title after that ridiculous prank. i was losing my mind hahaha)

also also bad batch is coming out on may 4th and i can't wait to finally see my boy echo again. i also can't wait to cry over YET ANOTHER order 66

valentine's day p3 will be out later today :)

okay bye ✌🏼 

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