Too Young

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Master Kenobi strolled down the hall, his brown robes sweeping the ground as he made his way to his quarters. He stopped himself abruptly as he nearly crashed into his old student, Anakin Skywalker.

"Sorry, Master," he apologized quietly. "I was actually hoping to run into you. I just came from your quarters." 

"Oh? What is it?" the older Jedi asked.

"I need to talk to you," Anakin whispered, hoping that Obi-Wan could not sense how worried he was. "It's about Ahsoka. It's... important."

"Is she injured?" Obi-Wan questioned. Anakin shook his head in response.

"Not physically... but I think that she may be mentally," he continued. 

Obi-Wan raised his eyebrows.

"It's just... she's only fifteen! I know that she enjoys being out there with the clones and fighting for the Republic, but, it feels unsafe for someone her age to be involved in a war," he explained.

"Ahsoka is very capable, Anakin. I'm sure that she will be able to cope with the things that she witnesses. If you have any evidence that she is mentally struggling, perhaps you should bring that up to the council," he suggested. "Now, I'll be heading off to bed. See you in the morning." He patted Anakin on his shoulder and strolled past him.

Anakin sighed. He had known that Obi-Wan would take his words like this- not seriously enough. Due to his old master's reaction, he had not told him the whole truth- he did have evidence that the war was mentally damaging to his young padawan. He had heard her trying her hardest not to let him hear her crying into her pillow every few nights in their shared quarters. He had pretended not to notice, as to not embarrass her, until last night, when she woke up screaming from a nightmare that she had had about a memory from being out on the battlefield.

He anxiously jogged to their quarters, hoping that his padawan would be able to sleep soundly tonight. He was glad to see that she had already dozed off. Gently, he pulled her soft, red blankets over her.

"Goodnight, Little One," he whispered, making his way across the room to his own bed.

It was only a few hours before a loud yelp of fear escaped from Ahsoka's mouth, startling Anakin so badly that he nearly fell out of his bed.

"Snips!" he called, running over to her side. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut, and she was frantically tossing and turning back and forth.

"No... NO!" she screamed. Anakin shook her shoulders, trying to wake her up. She sat up with such force that she smacked into her master, nearly knocking him over. He caught his padawan in a tight hug, holding her close until her breathing slowed back to a normal speed.

"What was it about this time?" he asked.

"Something about the clones," she mumbled into his shoulder. "Couldn't really tell what was happening. Just saw... limbs on the ground... blood... everywhere."

Anakin hugged her even tighter as she began to hyperventilate again. Ahsoka tried as hard as she could to match her breaths to his. It helped to calm her down.

"You know," Anakin began, "I was just thinking about how terrifying this war must be fore y-"

"It isn't," Ahsoka interrupted softly. "I know that I'm doing the right thing, fighting for the Republic. It's just... the things I see... sometimes they stay with me."

"I understand," Anakin replied sadly. They pulled apart and both leaned up against Ahsoka's headboard. Anakin kept one arm around her shoulder, and she leaned into his side.

"I wonder if the clones have nightmares like that too," she said quietly.

"Anyone who's had to witness things like that have had nightmares about it," he replied.

"Even you?"

"Well, I'm  a bit of a different case. I don't get afraid of things because I'm the Chosen-"

"Shut up," Ahsoka laughed, playfully hitting the back of his head. He smiled, glad that he had been able to cheer her up.

"No, Ahsoka, having nightmares does not make you weak," he said, responding to the thoughts that he could sense were going through her head.

Her big, blue eyes met his.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"You are the bravest person I know," he answered. "Not many fifteen-year-olds could go out on a battlefield and perform as well as you do."

"I guess you're right," she said after a few seconds.

"You've also got a really great teacher," Anakin yawned.

"Yeah... that too," the young togruta said, closing her eyes with a smile on her face.

Anakin hugged her as they both fell asleep, praying to the Force that she would not have any more nightmares.

Though he knew that the images of the war would stay with her forever, he was becoming more and more certain that she was strong enough to deal with it.

Comment ideas for future one shots if ya want! 


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