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the winning headcanon for today was a tie between this one and the togruti one but i was more in the mood to write this one today so togruti will probably be next week's haha

It was therapeutic for the both of them.

Ahsoka's mind couldn't wander too far when her focus was completely set on her master in front of her.

Anakin's mind couldn't wander either when he was slowly falling asleep against Ahsoka's knees to the way that she weaved her fingers in and out of his hair.

She was in his quarters on the Resolute, sitting on his bed. He sat on top of a couple of pillows, his knees tucked under him so she could reach his hair.

"Hair tie?" Ahsoka asked with a gentle tap to his shoulder. His arm extended backwards so she could pluck one off of his wrist, and he brought it back down into his lap. "Thanks."

"So, you're actually keeping it in this time?" he asked, closing his eyes as her nails gently scratched at his scalp, sectioning his hair off into three parts.


"You usually don't keep the braids in," he noted.

"Oh... I just wanted to make sure you look nice and pretty for Padme when we get back to Coruscant," she said innocently.

"You little- ugh," Anakin said, trying not to smile as he playfully seized her ankle. She pulled it out of his grip, leaning down to rest her chin on his head as she laughed.

She pulled herself back up into a sitting position, Anakin's head lolling to the side every few seconds. He was exhausted, she knew- she was too.

That was why they did this- to get a break from all the things that left them tired and broken down like this. It had started out as an experiment- Ahsoka had seen the braids Senator Amidala wore in her hair, and decided that she wanted to give it a try.

Too shy to ask the Senator herself, she'd gone to Anakin, who'd shrugged his shoulders and told her 'sure'.

She didn't realize how soothing it would be to her anxieties when her mind was only concentrated on the wispy strands that stuck together with sweat on the way home from battles as she pried them apart with her lean fingers.

And Anakin enjoyed their time too, often falling asleep against her. He didn't sleep often, so knowing that she could give something to her master- the one who had given her the world -meant a lot to her, even if it was something as small as sleep.

Sure enough, she was only halfway through the braid when his upper body went slack against her legs, soft snores emitting from his nose.

She made a last minute decision to let the braid fall apart (she figured it might tighten and pull if she tied it off, and she didn't want to wake him), and continue combing through his curls with her fingers.

They were tinted brown with dirt, and slightly wet from the humidity, but Ahsoka didn't mind. Maybe he'd let her wash it out for him when he woke up.

Her own eyelids began to droop after a few minutes, and she reluctantly pulled her hands back to her sides. She wriggled her legs out from behind her master, easing his head against the mattress before sliding down next to him.

The last thing that she was aware of before slipping into sleep was a chaste kiss against her temple, and the weight of another head against hers.

"Goodnight, Master."

i. need. more. fics. abt. ahsoka. doing. hair. please? if y'all know any good ones plz lmk cuz i feel like it's such an underused trope haha but i love it.

hope you all have a great day!

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