anakin tries to bond with teenage togruta daughter

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okay so the scene where wrecker decorated a room for omega kind of melted my heart so im projecting it on over to my comfort duo. enjoy!!

"Just tell me what it is!" Ahsoka exclaimed as Anakin dragged her down the hall. 

"Nope!" he cried, popping the 'p'. "It's a surprise."

"Ugh, I don't have the patience for this," she grumbled, dragging her feet as he pulled her around the corner.

"You sound like Obi-Wan," Anakin snorted.

"Hmm... maybe we sound the same because we're both losing brain cells from having to deal with you," she chided, yanking her hand out of his grip and skipping ahead.

"Okay, so that's how it is?" Anakin muttered under his breath. "Snips, you don't even know where you're going!" he called with a laugh, jogging after her.

She continued skipping and he rolled his eyes.

"Wrong waaay!" he sang as she turned another corner.

Ahsoka froze, stubbornly waiting until Anakin wasn't looking her way anymore to catch up to him.

"I knew that."

"Uh huh."

"I did!"

"Whatever you say."

"Skyguy, why don't you believe me?!"

"I believe you."

"You're dumb," she said out of nowhere. Anakin rolled his eyes again as they arrived at their destination.

"Maybe I'm just losing brain cells from having to deal with you," he countered, pulling her through the door they were in front of before she could argue. "Close your eyes."

"Master, what are we doing in your quarters?" she asked, nearly walking into a counter before Anakin steered her away.

"You'll see."

"Um, no I won't. You told me I had to close my eyes."

Another long sigh from Anakin.

"You'll see in like... thirty seconds. Wait here."

"Okay..." she said uncertainly, shifting her balance from leg to leg as she waited for her next instructions. There were a few shuffling noises, and she could tell that a light had just gone on.

"Open them!" Anakin called excitedly.

She lifted her eyelids, immediately gasping.

She was standing in what must have once been an abandoned walk-in closet. Strings of traditional orange, red, yellow, and white Togrutan beads had been hung all around the room, contrasting nicely against the thick blue tapestries that covered the walls with hand-painted puffy white clouds to decorate them. A plush red and white carpet engulfed her feet as she stepped forward, her hands flying to cover her face as she realized what it was supposed to symbolize.

"Red on one side, and white on the other. Like...?"

"The turu-grass on Shili, right?" Anakin asked quickly, worried that he might have gotten something wrong.

"Yeah," Ahsoka sighed, inhaling deeply only to smell the familiar scent of her home planet, emitted by a large white potted plant in the corner of the room.

She sprung over to the tiny, neatly made bed on the right side of the room. Scrap metal had been shaped into the letters of her new nickname, 'Snips', on the wall above the head of the bed. Extra thick blankets had been folded at its foot and Ahsoka smiled so widely that her eyes squeezed shut.

"Thank you, Master!" she managed to get out in a shaky laugh.

"I talked to Master Ti about all the Shili stuff, and I... I don't really know much about teenage girls..." he trailed off scratching the back of his head nervously. "But... I'm willing to learn, if you'll let me. I just thought it would be nice for you to have a place to call home other than your boring Padawan quarters."

"It's perfect," she whispered, eyes roaming all around the little room. "This must have taken you forever. I don't have anything to give you in ret-"

"No, Snips," he said gently. "This is a gift. I don't want anything in return except for you to feel welcome."

She stood up and twirled around in a circle, mouthing one last, 'Wow' before finally meeting Anakin's eyes.

His head was tilted slightly to the side, an almost... fatherly smile gracing his lips. Ahsoka smiled back.

"Thank you, Master."

"You're welcome... my Padawan."

emmycristina_i think that you had the right idea about spiders when we had that mice v spiders fight bc ive seen like 6 furry black ones in my house in the past few days and now i am getting scared...

Snips and Skyguy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now