Panic Attack

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Request from shit_happens_mate 

I'm getting so annoyed with these freaking tags i need my other device back hahaha

I was gonna wait and write this one tomorrow, but I just hand an anxiety attack myself so I thought now was better cuz I'm in the headspace 😀👍🏻

Ahsoka gasped as she stumbled into the cave, her ankle rolling under her weight as she took a step back. The darkness engulfed her as her hands helplessly pawed at her waist, searching for the lightsabers that she knew were not there.

Even with her heightened senses, she could not see a thing in the space.

"H-hello?" she asked, listening to the way that the vibrations of her voice echoed off of the walls. The cave was not terribly deep, but it certainly wasn't small either from what she could tell. The walls, however, were quite close together, creating an extremely narrow area for her to be trapped in.

Flashbacks to being stuck underground fluttered through Ahsoka's mind. That had been different, though. When she was trapped down there, she was with Barriss.

Here, she was alone.

Completely alone.

Ahsoka knew that the Togruta species was famous for their tendencies to live in big groups, very close to one another. That, she supposed, was why Anakin was the perfect master for her. Few other Jedi were as open to such constant closeness like hugs, and pats on the shoulder. She was so grateful for him.

And she had never missed him more than she did right now.

"Anakin!" she yelled, walking in a small circle. Her dry tongue stuck to the roof of her equally parched mouth.

What if she died alone in here? She couldn't bear the thought of it.

All lectures that she had gotten about clearing her fears out of her head to assess the situation more clearly left her mind as the raw terror took over.

What if she starved to death? Froze to death? Ran out of air?

What if there was something in this cave that was ready to harm her unarmed self?

What if, what if, what if...

"A-anakin?" she called again, much more quietly as she sank to her knees, shaking. Her breaths were quiet and sharp, yet they were the only sound that she could hear, clogging her montrals, filling the entire cave with each ragged gasp.

A cold sweat drenched her body completely as she raised her trembling hands to wipe at her eyes. She was surprised to find that there were no tears seeping out of them. She turned her head from side to side, frantically searching for a way out of here- a way back home.

"Anakin?" she whispered, shaking so hard now that she could swear that she was out of control of her own body. She clutched at the dirt that made up for the majority of the ground in there, squeezing her fists so tightly that she she was not sure how they hadn't broken yet.

Her heart pounded, each beat resonating in her body. She choked on nothing but air as the hyperventilation escalated, leaving her head dizzy and numb. She leaned forward onto all fours, coughing violently as she attempted to end the nausea by forcing herself to throw up. Nothing came out as she curled herself tightly into a ball.

She was out of control.

"ANAKIN!" she screamed, not even aware of the fact that she was cupping her hands around her mouth.

She shrieked even louder as she was immersed in blue light.

"AHSOKA!" Even Anakin's loud tone was nearly impossible for her to hear as her pulse quickened, the pain throbbing in her montrals.

"Ahhhh! AHHHHH!" she shouted, pulling her hands to cover them. Anakin's hands were warm on her clammy shoulders as he attempted to pull her off of the ground.

"Ahsoka! It's me! It's me!" he called, closing one of her hands between two of his own.

"Gotta get out, gotta get out, gotta get out," she repeated, shaking her head over and over again, her eyes blinking wildly in the light of Anakin's saber.

"Yes, come with me! We're getting out together," he promised, trying once again to pull her off of the ground. She continued shaking her head, completely out of it as her panic continued to take over.

"Anakin!" she screamed again,  digging her nails into his flesh hand. He struggled not to let go, wincing.

"Shhh, it's okay, I- I'm right here!" he spoke uncertainly, pulling her delicately up against him. Her arms reached desperately around his back as she shook in his arms. He rocked her from side to side.

"Anakin," she said again, squeezing him even tighter. "I'm sorry."

"Shhhh, Ahsoka, shhhh. I'm here, okay? Hear me? I have you. You're safe. I have you, and I'm never letting you go," he whispered, relief washing over him as her grip slackened slightly.

"I'm sorry," she repeated, still gasping for air. "I'm sorry."

"Nothing, Snips, there's nothing to be sorry for. Listen to my voice... just find me. Just be with me," he continued, holding onto her presence in the Force tighter than he ever had. She needed to know that he was there.

"I'm with you," she stated uncertainly.

"Good... just focus on us, okay? We're here. You and me. We're here together, right?"

She nodded.

"We're both okay. We have each other. Snips and Skyguy, right?"

Another shaky nod.

"Breath with me," he said, taking her hand and placing it on his chest. "In and out. You and me, together. Both of us. We're okay."

"We're okay," she echoed, following his breathing patterns until hers turned back to normal.

"Are you ready to get out of here?" he whispered after a few moments.

"Yes... together," Ahsoka replied with a smile. Anakin returned the grin as he helped her up.


Like I said, literally just had my first anxiety attack in over a year (I used to get them all the time), so good timing I guess...? Writing these is like therapy for me hahaha. My favorite coping mechanism.

Hope everyone has a good night! Leave ideas if ya want!

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