Happy Birthday

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request from Lizzy_Luna75 for a happy version of the chapter titled 'birthday' that i did like a week ago i think

It was everything that it was supposed to be.

Padme was the first to show up, surprising her at work with a tight hug and several 'I missed you's'.

The senator had jokingly accused her of not saying goodbye when she left, but Ahsoka didn't mind. She was just happy to see her again.

"I'm taking you out. I've completely cleared my schedule for today," Padme had declared in her no-nonsense voice- the one that told Ahsoka that she wasn't getting out of this, no matter what.

It wasn't like she wanted to anyway.

After a trip to the nicest boutiques in the area (well, as nice as they came down where Ahsoka lived), the pair arrived at a tiny diner on one of the mid-levels of Coruscant. It was smaller than Dex's, but cozy nonetheless- like a place you'd eat out at with your family.

And that was exactly what she did.

Anakin arrived first, twirling her around twice in a hug after he'd lifted her off of her feet.

"My little one is all grown up," he'd whispered, cupping her cheek with one hand, eyes shining. "Look at you, Snips!"

She broke the gaze she'd been holding with him to make eye contact with Rex, who had just entered, a hand behind his back to conceal the gift he had brought for her.

"You didn't have to get me anything- all of you being here is enough," she'd told him as he handed the box to her.

"Can't celebrate a birthday without a cake," he said with a smirk as she pulled off the lid. The icing was white and blue- just like the 501st.

She barreled into his armor for a hug, pulling back when the door opened again, and Master Kenobi entered.

She tilted her head to the side to get a good look at him. He stood by Anakin's side, not making to get any closer to her.

She swallowed, the tension thick in the air as she made the first move- stepping forward.



They both inhaled sharply, waiting for the other to start again. Anakin cleared his throat, stepping between the two of them.

"Just hug it out," he said with a grin before moving back and giving Obi-Wan a little push with his foot.

He rolled his eyes, but stepped forward nonetheless, Ahsoka meeting him in the middle, her head tucking under his chin as she embraced him.

"I'm sorry," he whispered into her montrals.

Ahsoka squeezed him tighter.

"I know."

Ahsoka Tano is seventeen years old, and her whole family is coming back together.


i have completely given up on my schoolwork in the past few days...

like i just stopped doing it

i have lost *literally* every ounce of motivation to get it done and i am *terrified* for my life when my parents see my grades

luckily my spring break starts in a few days. i need it- like... REEEEEAAALLLLYYY need it


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