Jedi: Endgame

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As I've said before, my tags do not work lmao but this was who the request was from :)

Also ik I had kenobi as dr strange in the last marvel one, but now he's cap and rhodey kinda so just roll with it

Obi-Wan's breath caught in his chest as he looked at the burning debris around him. He choked on the blood in his throat as he was overcome by the reality of the dire situation.

This was the end.

But he sure as hell wasn't going down without a fight.

He tightened his grip on his flickering lightsaber, switching his footing to position himself to fight. 

He thought that his ears must be failing him.

He could almost swear that the voice he was hearing was that of a clone.

"General? This is Commander Cody," the voice said. Obi-Wan gasped. Cody had disappeared when Sidious snapped...

"Come in General," he repeated, just as a blinding light surged from behind him out of thin air.

"Well..." Obi-Wan began as he saw his old friend. "Hello there."

And before he knew what was happening, everyone was coming back- everyone who had been gone.

The rest of the 212th followed behind Cody, marching in time with one another, their blasters hoisted up to their chests.

Another circle of light exploded above the Jedi, followed by tens- no hundreds -more.

Yoda narrowed his eyes in determination as he stepped out of one of the portals, a small band of Wookiee's following behind him.

A Mandalorian flew in, who Obi-Wan recognized to be Jango Fett, a man who he had nearly killed. He flipped his blaster in one hand and caught it, head moving from side to side as he observed the battleground.

And then, as if from nowhere, Ahsoka Tano herself was charging to the front of the group, her eyes full of hope as she stood on a rock, her lekku blowing slightly in the wind. She detached the lightsabers from her belt, and nodded at her grandmaster with a small smile.

Obi-Wan returned the grin, looking around at everyone who had come to fight with him, tears sparking in his now-hopeful eyes.

"For the Galaxy!" One of the clones shouted.

"For the Galaxy!" they chorused. "Sir, yes, Sir!"

Rex stared straight ahead at the enemy as he strode out of his portal, lifting his blaster up in preparation. The rest of the 501st followed suit behind him.

An army made up entirely of the Togrutas that the Jedi had rescued from Zygerria arrived through another one of the brilliant rings of light. 

The rest of the Jedi council arrived through another portal, lightsabers ignited, creating a rainbow of luminescence.

A very excited looking Hondo Ohnaka even showed up with a small band of pirates. One of the Jedi slipped something that looked suspiciously like credits into his hand.

Anakin Skywalker sat up from the spot on the ground where he had been lying unconscious for the past ten minutes. His mouth hung open in awe as none other than Padme Amidala arrived in front of him, one blaster gripped tightly in each hand, a look of pure determination on her face.

"Everyone, this is?" Yoda asked, turning to a fellow Jedi.

"What? You wanted more?" Mace Windu said in reply.

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