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Request from CAW15020

"And then, he told me that I had a bad attitude about the whole situation, and put me on manual whiteboard duty for the next week- no Force or anything!" Ahsoka exclaimed, piling a spoonful of some fruity mush onto her tray.

"Snips, come on. We talked about this," Anakin replied, shaking his head. "Go big or go home. If your snoddy teacher is going to give you a hard time, and you're already in trouble, just start letting it all out. Forget about getting in trouble and let him have it."

"Master, are you trying to tell me to purposefully disrespect my elders?" Ahsoka asked with a smirk.

"I didn't say that exactly."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes.


"Come on, Obi-Wan said he can't eat with us today. Let's get our table."

The pair strode across the Mess Hall, chattering away about their newest mission until they came to their usual table.

"Excuse me," Anakin said, raising his eyebrows at the boy who was sitting on the bench of Anakin's side of the table. He looked about Ahsoka's age, which was further confirmed by the Padawan braid swinging at the back of his head.

Ahsoka arched an eye marking of her own at the boy. No one had ever dared to sit in Anakin's seat (other than her or Obi-Wan, of course).

"Master Skywalker," he greeted with a nod of his head. "Padawan Tano," he nodded once more, a shy smile appearing on his face. "Nice to meet you."

Ahsoka wrinkled her nose as the boy very obviously only made eye contact with her as he talked to the both of them.

Anakin felt blood rush to his face. He turned to Ahsoka, who shrugged her shoulders and took her seat. Anakin sat across from her, cautiously scooting away from the boy next to him.

"And who might you be?" Anakin grumbled.

"Dandi. Dandi Destru," he introduced, still only making eye contact with a very annoyed looking Ahsoka. He reached forward to shake her hand.

Ahsoka blinked rapidly as he leaned down to kiss it. She quickly recoiled, making his face bump into the table. Anakin swatted Dandi's face away from Ahsoka's hand, nearly punching him.

Anakin's face was red with rage as he turned to glare at the boy, shaking with fury.

"Could you leave?" he hissed. Dandi's own embarrassment was clear as he pealed his eyes away from Ahsoka.

"All the other tables are full, Master," he replied nervously.

"This one is full with just Ahsoka and I, so I'll tell you again... leave."

Dandi's eyes turned back to make contact with Ahsoka's own glare. His eyes were pleading, silently asking her to speak reason to Anakin.

"Can I help you?" she asked dryly.

"Stop looking at her like that," Anakin said, his voice dangerously low. He placed a hand on Dandi's shoulder.

"I was just being polite," he replied. He shook Anakin's hand off of his shoulder, beginning to spoon some food into his mouth.

Ahsoka looked toward Anakin, attempting to make eye contact with him for a wordless conversation. However, she found that his eyes were still locked on Dandi's face.

"Er... Master," she muttered, snapping his attention away from the boy. Unfortunately, before Ahsoka could express anything to Anakin, Dandi looked up from his food.

"So... how exactly did you learn to use two lightsabers?" he asked, resting his chin on his hand as he spoke to Ahsoka. 

"Why is this any of your concern?" she replied coolly.

"I... uh... I was only curious," he said, flustered as he tried to come up with another conversation starter. "And you fight with a reverse grip?"


"How come?"

"'Cause I want to."

"Oh... you're gloves are really cool. Where did you get them?"

"Doesn't matter to you."

"Oh. How about your necklace? Where did you get that?"

"None of your business."

"Um... alright then. What's it like not having hair?"

Ahsoka stared up at Dandi incredulously. She shifted her eyes to see Anakin's clenched fists resting on the table, his whole body shaking with rage.

"How the kriff would I know what it is like having hair?" she retorted. Dandi cleared his throat to speak again. 

Through Anakin's rage, he couldn't quite help but feel a great amount of pride for his Padawan for continuously shutting down this obnoxious boy. He felt a kick from Ahsoka land on him under the table. Reading her presence, he could feel her frustration.

He needed to do something. This kid was not backing down, and he was making Ahsoka uncomfortable. And if Ahsoka was upset, Anakin was upset.

"Padawan Destru, as one of your superiors, I am ordering you to leave my Padawan alone. Go to a different table," he barked, turning to face the boy directly.

Dandi gulped as he saw Anakin's furrowed eyebrows, his clenched hands twitching dangerously.

"I just... wanted to get to know Ahsoka. That's all," he responded, looking down.

Anakin stood up, making Dandi flinch, then quickly still himself as Anakin walked to the other side of the table. He sat himself down next to Ahsoka.

"I am her master. You're making her uncomfortable whether you realize or not." He wrapped his arm around her, and she nodded in agreement. "This is your last warning to leave her alone," he hissed.

"With all due respect, Master, I still don't-"

His sentence was interrupted as both Anakin and Ahsoka reached their limits, force pushing him out of his seat.

"Great minds think alike, I guess," Ahsoka stated, chuckling at their instinctive teamwork. "We'll get in trouble for that though, won't we?"

"Like I told you before- go big or go home," Anakin replied, high fiving his student. And with that, a meal of some mushy fruit was suddenly splattered onto Dandi Destru's chest.

Very sorry for not updating yesterday. School is really kicking my ass already with LOTS of unnecessary homework... it's ridiculous.

Have a great night! Leave ideas if ya want :)

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