enough for you

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this. song.

it wasn't my favorite at first, but once i put it in the context of a friendship or familial relationship instead of a romantic one.... maaaaan that hit a little too close to home.

i couldn't decide whose perspective i wanted this song to come from, so i just made an edit of it for ani (https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdRD3Gks/), and wrote this abt soka

"You're... going?" Ahsoka asked quietly, clutching the fabric of her master's sleeve before he could make it out the door.

"I am- did you need something?" he asked as she let the sleeve fall from her grasp.

I need you to remember.

"No, uh... no, it's nothing. Have fun with... wherever you're going," she continued, looking down.

"Hey. 'Soka, what's the matter?" he asked, turning fully around to face her.

"Nothing, Master. Just... go see Padmè or whatever." Anakin didn't miss the way that her voice trembled at the end, and, to her surprise, he didn't mention anything about her reference to his not-so-secret... girlfriend? Ahsoka still wasn't sure what their relationship was.

"Snips, talk to me," he urged, somewhat desperately. 

She looked down, willing the lump in her throat to stay down.

"I- I'm fine."

"No, you're not. What's going on inside that little head of yours?" he asked softly, lifting a hand to cup her cheek, thumb wiping the tears away.

"You're never here," she finally choked out. "You were supposed to teach me how to upgrade my-"

"-comm link tonight," he finished. "Oh Force, Ahsoka. I forgot- I'm so sorry."

"I made- made you breakfast yesterday morning, and- and you never showed up," she said, now hyperventilating as she tried to stop her crying. "And I did all of your l-laundry last week because you kept telling me that that was why you couldn't make dinner with me. You forgot to do saber practice with me two days ago, and- and-"

She finally couldn't go on any longer, dissolving into a mess of sobs as Anakin pulled her against his chest.

"I don't know how to make you stay," she sobbed, sniffling between almost every word. "I don't know-"

"Shhh, Ahsoka." Anakin ran a hand down her back lek, looking over her head with a horrified expression on his face.

Had he really left to visit Padmè that much?

His head was suddenly full of visions of Ahsoka as an adult, and him realizing that he had missed out on watching her grow up because he'd been to preoccupied to give her the attention she deserved.

"I'm sorry," he breathed, pressing his cheek against her montrals, closing his eyes as he squeezed his arms even tighter. "I'm not going anywhere tonight, okay? Or tomorrow, or the day after that."

Not for awhile, he thought to himself. Not until she knows that I'm here for her.

"Is there anything else you'd like me to do better?"

"Um... I get nightmares a lot, y'know?" she rasped, her voice shot.

"I know."

Oh, he knew.

But he always had Padmè to help him through the night. 

He thought of Ahsoka, curled up in her cot all by herself, Ahsoka going to his quarters only to find him gone.

"I'm so sorry," he repeated. "You probably don't think so right now, but you can come to me anytime. About anything."

She nodded.

"Thank you, Master."

"Don't thank me Ahsoka, I don't deserve it. Thank you for teaching me."

She stayed fairly silent, humming in agreement and nodding again.


"Whenever you need me, I'll be there for you."

so i just finished school today WOOOO but that means that the limitations on the time i can be writing start now. let's hope i can still update often 🤞🏼🤞🏼


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