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guys... i... i think i'm going to turn the last chapter into an actual book...

i just have a lot of inspiration to go through with it so keep an eye out for that :))

He wasn't upset.

That wasn't the right word for it—this feeling that had settled in the pit of his stomach.

It was something like stress or anxiety, but neither of those were quite it either.

It was more... overwhelming. Not anything specific about his new role, but just the idea of it in general.

The realization that he would be patching up skinned knees, he would be tucking her into bed, he would be making her breakfast, making sure that she ate all of her meals and took her vitamins.

He had to grow up.

He had to be better—be the best.

For her.

He watched her run alongside Caleb, the two of them separating from the group of padawans and younglings to climb the tallest tree on the edge of the courtyard.

He looked over to his left, catching sight of Depa Billaba, who had become an honorary master of sorts for Caleb in the past year. The entire temple knew that she would take him as her padawan when he came of age.

She seemed calm and collected, not at all nervous that the boy might fall down and hurt himself, or that a branch might snap.

And he decided that Ahsoka would be fine as well and—damnit, that was exactly what he wasn't supposed to be doing.

He was in charge of Ahsoka, she was his.

His padawan. His responsibility.

And he had to learn to trust his own judgement about what was safe for her.

Not good at this.

Shouldn't be a master.



Too young.

Too reckless.


He inhaled sharply, grateful for the darkness to hide his tears. This was hard, being a master.

He didn't think that it would be until he became one.

And he'd only been one for a few weeks, how was he going to do this for ten years?

He felt the tension in his shoulders evaporate as arms wrapped around him from behind, a chin resting on his shoulder.

"You okay?" his padawan asked.

He blinked twice, smiling through his tears as he leaned his head against hers for a moment, attempting to even out his breaths before Ahsoka cold notice that he was outwardly as distressed as she had sensed through their already-strong bond.

"Yeah, Snips," he said with a sniff.

He closed his eyes.

"I'm okay."

i don't wanna go back to school but i haven't been feeling like myself all summer so maybe that'll make some sort of a difference? i guess complaining about hw is just part of my personality now hahaha

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