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snow fell from the gray swirling clouds. everything outside looked clean and fresh due to the fresh sheet of white snow. i wrapped my hands around my warm mug and pulled my cardigan closer to my body.

these were my favorite kind of days, and one of the things that has kept me going for a while now. the most important thing however, was the boy walking up my steps to knock on my door.

"i brought you some muffins." he said with a smile as he held up a folded white bag.

"thank you." i said stepping aside for him to come in.

he brushed the snow off of his coat and ran his fingers through his long, dark locks. i placed the bag of muffins on the kitchen table before sitting down. shawn followed and pulled out the chair in front of me.

there was a comfortable silence between us as we began to eat the chocolate chip treat. i felt his worried eyes on me, he made sure that i was eating enough. something that i still haven't gotten use to.

"how are you feeling?" he asked making me look up.

it was a question he has asked me every day since everything went spiraled down hill. it seemed to be the same response every day, but today was different.

i took a shower, brushed my teeth, made my bed, and ate three muffins instead of just one.

"amazing." i said with a smile.

his eyes widened and a glint of hope seemed to shine through them. he quickly hid his expression with a slight nod.

"that's great y/n." he said.

"for the first time i've realized how stupid i was-," he cut me off.

"you weren't stupid." he said in a stern voice.

"maybe not, but i definitely wasn't smart. i let him destroy me and didn't realize what was happening until it was too late. i wished that i would have realized that he was just another guy and there was literally nothing special about him. he somehow ended up being what i wrote about, spoke about, and trusted with everything. when in reality, he was completely ordinary actually and kind of boring." i admitted and felt a sudden rush of relief.

i searched shawn's face for a reaction, but he just sat there. he seemed to be taking everything in until he stood up. his tall frame ended up in front of me. his hand took mine as he led me up the stairs.

"i have been waiting the past 5 months to tell you this." he said opening my bedroom door.

i pushed my brows together as he searched though my records. i was beyond confused and had no idea what he was getting to. suddenly, he pulled out his own vinyls. he even signed them before giving them to me.

"every single song on these were about somebody. someone that i spoke about every hour of the day, someone that i adored and noticed every detail about. they have the most courage and strength that i didn't even know was possible. they managed to push me every day no matter how difficult it was, and is the reason i am where i am today," he stepped closer to me and looked deeply into my eyes, "the person that is so far beyond ordinary, it's you."

i was speechless. i never knew that i meant that much to him, but it all began to make sense. he was always the one there for me, and i guess i didn't realize that i was doing the same for him. all the times he would check on me, all of the time we spent together, and all of the feelings that i always pushed down because i never thought it would be mutual, it was always him. 

"shawn, i-." he began to get nervous as he cut me off.

"i'm sorry. i shouldn't have told you, especially since you just got out of a relationship. i'm sorry please don't let this-." i did the only thing i could think of to stop his rant.

i placed my hand on his chest and closed the space between us by placing my lips onto his. i felt his tense body slowly relax as he kissed my back. suddenly my knees went weak as a feeling that i never felt took over my body. his hands found their way to my waist and pulled me closer making me smile softly.

feeling amazing was now an understatement.

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