stress reliever

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the soft music played through the speakers as i weaved in and out of traffic. i needed something to calm my nerves after the rough day i had at work. the endless paper work that seemed to pile up every second, the stress that my boss put on me, and unnecessary drama that my coworkers had weighed down on my chest.

my phone started ringing as i came to a stop at a red light. i smiled when i saw his name. i quickly answered his call.

"hey," i said in a tired tone.

"hey honey, are you okay?" He asked concerned.

"yeah, just had a bad day." i said as the light turned green.

"how far away are you?" He asked.

"about 15 minutes." i answered.

"okay, be careful. i love you." he said making me smile.

"i love you too." i said before he hung up.

i pulled into the driveway and parked beside shawn's black Jeep. i took the keys out of the ignition and grabbed my purse before making my way into the house.

when i walked into the dimly lit house my heart raced. red rose petals were scattered from the door and up the stairs. i smiled and sat my things down before following the trail of roses.

they stopped at the bedroom door. i opened the door to see shawn standing with a bright smile on his lips. he walked closer to me and brushed my hair behind my ear.

"hey baby," he placed a warm kiss on my forehead before taking my hand in his and guiding me to the bathroom. candles were lit surrounding the bathtub that was filled with bubbles. a bottle of red wine was sitting on ice in a bucket.

i smiled and turned to face Shawn, "you are amazing." i placed a sweet kiss on his lips.

a light blushed across his cheeks as he looked away with a smile. "i'll let you enjoy your bath." He said before turning to walk out the door.

"hey," i grabbed his hand, "there's enough room for two." he turned around and smiled before taking off his shirt. i giggled and did the same.

a great way to end an awful day.

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