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my hand caressed the baby bump as i looked at myself in the tall mirror. i was about 26 weeks, so my stomach had grown a lot. it was amazing that in a few months my husband and i would have a beautiful baby, but i would be lying if i said i wasn't a little self conscious.

"hey baby," shawn said walking into our shared bedroom. he placed a kiss on my temple before placing his hands on my belly. he looked up at me with that charming smile and a spark in his brown eyes. "i have to go, but i'll be back around 5." he informed me.

"okay, i was going to go by your parents to pick up the gift they got us." i told him as i pulled my hair into a pony tail.

"alright, be careful." he said before kissing me softly.

"i love you." i said as he walked out.

"i love you more." He shouted as he walked down the stairs. i took a deep breath and took one last look in the mirror before grabbing my purse and car keys.

"oh honey, you're just in time for some warm breakfast." Karen said with a bright smile as she brought me into a hug. I smiled and hugged her back.

"great! I'm starving." I said causing her to smile even wider as she guided me to the kitchen. The smell of buttery pancakes and sweet maple syrup lingered through the air.

I began making my plate along with Karen before we sat down at the dining room table. She sat across from me. We began eating and having light conversation.

"So, are you excited?" She asked.

"Of course! I can't wait to have a baby Mendes running around." I said rubbing my hand over my stomach and smiling.

"well the baby will be here before you know it." She said looking down as she poured more syrup on her pancakes.

I smiled softly and looked down at my food. I wanted to talk to her about after the pregnancy and how my body would look. I felt comfortable enough to talk to her about my insecurities.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked looking back up nervously.

"Of course hun." She said pushing her brows together and looking slightly concerned.

"When you were pregnant, were you ever worried about your appearance or-, it sounds a little selfish but-." She cut me off with a sweet laugh.

"Of course I did honey. I went from a skinny petite woman to not being able to see my toes. I kept seeing myself as fat, but manny and I talked about it one night and all of my worries went away." she explained.

i nodded and gave a soft smile. maybe that's just what i needed. i needed to just talk to shawn about it.

i was watching a movie when the front door opened. shawn walked in with a bag of food from our favorite restaurant. he gave me a bright smile before walking over to me.

"how was your day?" he asked sitting down beside me and plopping the bag down in front of us.

"it was good, your mom and i had a nice breakfast." i told him as i opened up the to-go box.

"she called and said it was nice to see you and spend time with you." shawn said as he did the same. we continued to talk about our days as we finished eating.

once we were done we decided to put on a movie and just relax. he grabbed a blanket and threw it over us as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him.

"Shawn?" i asked catching his attention.

he turned his head and met my eyes, "can we talk?" i asked nervously.

"yeah of course." he paused the movie and gave me his full attention.

"lately, i've been feeling a little well-, like I'm not pretty. I've just felt unattractive," he pushed his brows together in confusion, but i continued, "it's just that I'm so stressed with the baby and how my belly is getting bigger by the second, my legs, hands, feet, everything else is also. It's just a little overwhelming." I confessed.

Shawn nodded as he processed what I said, "Racheal," he said softly as he placed his hand on my thigh, "you are so beautiful and never fail to blow me away. you can have hair sticking up every where and I'll still think you are a model," Shawn said making me laugh a little, "in a few more months we are going to have a beautiful baby daughter and all of your worries are going to go away the second you hold her in your arms." he said before placing a kiss on my forehead and cupping my cheek with his hand.

i smiled and looked into his warm brown eyes, "i love you so much."

"i love you," He said placing his lips on mine. he pulled away after a few seconds before placing his lips on the baby bump, "and i love you too."

really hope you like this! I'm so sorry if it sucks :/

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