airport •2•

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"oh my god." many scrunched her nose in disgust used her thumb and index finger to pick up an old chip bag causing the crumbs to fall to the floor.

i groaned and pulled a pillow over my head, hoping she would take the hint, and leave me alone.

"go away." i said still hearing her linger through the messy room.

"no, not until you get your gross, but hot ass out of that bed." she said with a hint of amusement in her voice.

i rolled my eyes as if she could see them and sighed. i had spent every day since the airport incident in my room, groaning about how embarrassed and dumb i was.

"now!" she said yanking the blanket off of my body. i shot her a death glare once taking the pillow off of my face.

"i hate you." i mumbled gathering the strength to get out of the bed. every bone in my body cracked as they got use to moving again. i gathered some clothes, and made my way to the bathroom.

i washed away the shame and sadness off of my body, and washed the suds disappear into the drain as my eyes filled with tears.

i didn't know if i was more upset about possibly ruining our ten year friendship, or knowing that the potential of us being more was gone. at least before i admitted it, i didn't know how it would end. now that i do, i wish i would have just stayed home that night.

i quickly changed and pulled my hair into a loose braid. when i walked out the sweet smell of vanilla lingered to my nose. i quickly took in my room, and opened my mouth in shock. i could see the floors again.

"you're welcome, now come on." before i could even thank her for cleaning up the disaster, she was pushing me downstairs. the house was quiet, no one else was here since it was a friday morning.

"what is going on, why are you in such a-." i turned the corner into the living room, and felt my heart drop to my stomach. there he was standing in front of the couch with a sad smile on his lips. he was wearing a pair of sweats and a hoodie that i've worn many times. his hair was messy and long, and his cheeks were a bit pale.

"my job here is done," she said wiping her hands on her jeans and giving a soft smile, "good luck." she mouthed to me before making her way to the front door.

the silence immediately fell over us, making everything rush back. i felt my cheeks heat up as i suddenly became more aware of the awkwardness.

"shawn," i shook my head and looked down.

"y/n," he said in unison of his name.

we laughed slightly looking up at each other. our smiles quickly faded causing my stomach to do flips. i felt nauseous.

"i'm so sorry. i'm an idiot." he said sighing as he stepped closer to me.

i pushed my brows together in confusion as my heart started beating in my ears.

"i've waited years to hear you say those words, and when you finally did, i left to california for a month," he shook his head as he took his hands into mine. i didn't know if i was hearing him right, or if i was just hallucinating, "i love you so damn much that it consumes me. i told myself that i would never act on it, due to our friendship and doubted you would ever feel that way anyhow. but now, i know that i will never want to be friends again. this," his eyes flickered from mine to my lips as he smiled slightly, "this is what i want."

his hand cupped my cheek as he leaned in slowly, searching my eyes for consent. i got impatient, and crashed my lips onto his.

maybe it wasn't a bad idea after all.

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