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"leave a message..." i sighed at the all too familiar robotic voice. i talked more the her than him now. "hey babe, just wanted to call and check on you. i miss and love you, call me when you get the chance." i hung up and sunk back into the chair.

"still nothing?" i jumped at the sound of my best friends voice. she was stuffing her mouth with buttery popcorn. my stomach growled at the salty goodness.

"yep." i said rubbing my head on my forehead as she sat down passing me the bowl in the process.

she turned on a movie, and we both just watched. nothing was said, but i already knew what she would say. she would tell me to end it, that i didn't deserve this.

maybe she was right, but i didn't want to face the truth. all i knew was that shawn was the person i wanted to spend everything with. we had our lives planned, and it all made sense. however, things don't seem so transparent anymore.

i can't even remember the last time i heard his voice other than in interviews and on the radio. this wasn't the first tour, but it was the first tour since we got engaged. things are just more difficult this time.

"y/n," i snapped out of my thoughts to see angela studying me, "you've been staring at that picture for the past five minutes now."

i swallowed hard as i glanced back at the photo. it was shawn and i in new york. we were bundled up in two jackets, sweatpants, and a scarf. his arm was wrapped around my waist so i could stay up on the ice. our smiles were bright and full of joy.

"i just don't know what to do anymore. i know he's busy, but even a text here and there just to know he's okay would make everything better." i said fidgeting with my hangnails.

"you're going to have to put your foot down, this isn't okay." angela said rubbing my back. i nodded in agreement and decided that i would just enjoy the rest of the night. hopefully i would have the nerve to do something tomorrow.

ringing blared over the sound of running water. i quickly dried my hands on my jeans before grabbing my phone.

"hello?" i spoke, my voice sounding weary.

"hey beautiful." his deep voice made my stomach flip and my whole body heat up.

"oh how i've missed that." i said closing my eyes tightly as i leaned against the counter.

"same here, how have you been?" he asked.

"uh," i ran my fingers through my hair as my thoughts fought with each other, "i've been good, what about you? how's the tour?"

"words can't explain how amazing it is. different stage every night, but the same support from my fans. it's crazy!" i could hear his happiness through the speakers, and i felt guilt begin for settle in.

"that's amazing," i took a deep breathe, "but hey i need-." i was cut off by shawn mumbling something.

"i'm sorry, i gotta go. i'll talk to you soon." he said before the beeps filled my ears.

maybe next time.

a few weeks went by without anything. not even a message. i tried calling, and never got anything back. there was only one more thing i could do.

third person:
"y/n!" he shouted as soon as he walked in. all of the lights were off, not a single sound to be heard. shawn pulled his phone out of his pocket and searched for her contact. which wasn't difficult considering all the missed calls from her.

his brows furrowed together in confusion, "leave a message.."

panic began to set in, he ran up the stairs to their shared bedroom. everything was neat, clean, and empty. he swung open the closet door to see nothing but hangers, the drawers were completely empty. any trace of her was gone, except the diamond encrusted ring placed on top of a note.

he picked the piece of notebook paper off of the nightstand, and felt his heart shatter.

dear shawn,
    i never wanted things to be this way. i also never thought they would. i wanted to talk to you before it came to this, but after weeks of not hearing back from you, i gave up. it was like you became different, you changed.
      i love you so much, and i always will. i have no doubt in my mind about that. i just don't know if you still love me. which is why you're reading this.
   i left the ring because it would have been way too painful to keep it. i'll be staying at a friends house until i can get back on my feet.
  i'm sorry.

teardrops fell in between the blue eyes, smudging the ink. he shook his head in disbelief as he balled up the note. he threw it against the wall before completely breaking down. sobs racked throughout his body as he tried to catch his breath.

"no, no," he ran his fingers through his hair, tugging at the roots, "no." he stood up and wiped his bloodshot eyes. he grabbed his keys and headed out the door.

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