stood up

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the clock ticked on my wrist. i sighed and looked around the crowded restaurant. he was supposed to be here 45 minutes ago.

"are you ready to order?" the waitress looked at me with same apologetic look as the others gave me as they noticed what happened.

i swallowed hard and looked out the window hoping that he would come running in. i sighed realizing that it was not going to happen. i opened my mouth to tell her to just charge me for the drink, but someone cut me off.

"i am so sorry babe, traffic was awful." a pair of brown eyes met mine as he slid into the seat across from me. i looked at him confused, he stretched his arms out signaling for a hug. i was hesitant at first, but i quickly reached across to hug him.

"i'm shawn, and whoever stood you up is a douchebag." he said softly before we pulled away from the hug.

my heart fluttered from the kind thing this attractive stranger was doing.

he gave me a soft smile before pushing the menu to the side, "i'll have a cheeseburger and a water." he ordered before handing the woman his menu.

"I'll have the same." i said before also handing her my menu. she walked away and i sighed a breath of relief.

"thank you," i said leaning onto the table as i pushed a stand a hair behind my ear.

"no problem," he shrugged, "a pretty girl like you doesn't deserve to be stood up." he said looking into my eyes as he smiled a little.

i looked away as i felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. "thank you, again." i said laughing nervously.

"so, what's your name?" he asked.

"y/n." i answered.

"well y/n, i am determined to make this the absolute best date you've ever been on." he said with a smirk before leaning onto the table.

"wait, you've never had chocolate ice cream?" his eyes grew wide in shock.

i laughed a little at his reaction, "nope."

"oh no," he pushed his brows together and looked down at his plate. his voice was low and somewhat sad, "you know what this means right?" he asked looking back up.

"what?" i asked confused.

he hopped up out of the booth leaving me there confused. i pushed my brows together and shook my head. i took a sip of my coke and was about to get up, but i was stopped by our waitress.

she had a bowl of two scoops of chocolate ice cream covered in chocolate syrup with a cherry on top. she had a bright smile as she sat it down in front of me. two other waitresses walked over along with Shawn.

"on the three," shawn said, "1, 2," he conducted his hands as if he was conducting a play, "3."

then they all started singing the happy birthday song to me. i busted out laughing and felt my cheeks heat up. everyone was looking at me, but the only eyes i could focus on was shawn's. they finished singing causing people to clap as they walked away.

"i can't believe you did that," i said shaking my head while i covering my red face with my hands as i laughed.

"well i had to make your first time eating chocolate ice cream special." he shrugged making me laugh even more.

"okay, this better be the best thing i ever tasted." i said shaking my head as i scooped up the cold mushy ice cream. the sweet treat hit my tongue and i fell in love with the chocolatey goodness.

"this is amazing." i said with a mouthful of the ice cream.

shawn tossed his head back as he laughed loudly, "told you."

the cool night air welcomed me as we stepped out of the diner. Shawn paid for our meal even though i insisted he didn't, but he wouldn't let me pay. i talked him into letting me leave the tip.

"thank you for everything." i said for what felt like the hundredth time tonight.

he smiled and walked along the side of me as we made our way to my car. "you're welcome, i had a lot of fun." he said as he shoved his hands in his pocket.

he stopped beside me and turned to face me, "maybe we can have a real date," he said rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

i smiled and looked up at him, "maybe."

"maybe this Saturday?" he asked raising an eyebrow and looking down at me.

"that sounds great." i said trying to hide my excitement.

"maybe we could exchange numbers and-," i held out my hand for him to give me his phone. he smiled and pulled it out his pocket. i handed him mine also before putting my number into his phone.

who knew being stood up would cause me to meet someone so amazing? let's just say there were many more dates after that.

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