date night

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Sorry it took so long, I had to take a little break.

the soft chill music from shawn's playlist played throughout the silent car. shawn's large hand rested on my thigh. he traced random shapes onto my skin making chills form on my body. he would occasionally glance over at me and smile a little making my heart run wild.

we have both been busy with work, so we haven't really seen each other. the only time we speak is before bed, and that's only if i'm not asleep. shawn decided that we need to have a night just for our selves since we had a day off.

shawn also wanted to surprise me and not tell me what he had planned. he told me to wear a sweatshirt and leggings. the sun was setting which meant that there would be a lot of traffic in downtown toronto.

"do you know where we're going yet?" shawn asked looking in the review mirror before cutting another car off to get into the other lane.

"no, i have no clue." i said shaking my head.

he licked his lips and smiled before looking over at me, "you're going to love it babe."

shawn made a turn off the main road onto a red dirt road. his headlights shined onto the towering trees and bushes. the surroundings looked familiar, but i couldn't figure out exactly where we were since it was dark.

shawn got out of the car and jogged over to my side to open the door for me. i smiled and got out. the dry leaves crunched under my boots as shawn and i walked hand in hand down to the dock.

i gasped realizing that there were fluffy blankets lined up with pillows and a lunch basket. i looked over at shawn with a smile. his cheeks were a light shade of pink as he looked at me with a small smile.

"it's kind of cheesy, but i thought you might like it." shawn shrugged taking my hand in his as he guided me down to the dock.

"like it? i love it." i said smiling widely.

we sat down beside each other onto the black velvety blanket. shawn reached out for the picnic basket. he pulled out a bunch of our favorite snacks and drinks such as, chips, strawberries, sodas, waters, candies. anything you could possibly think of he had.

"this is amazing babe." i said pecking his cheek before grabbing a chocolate covered strawberry.

"i'm glad you like it." he said with a mouthful of skittles.

once shawn and i finished eating we both laid down into the comfy blankets and pillows and looked up at the shining stars in the dark night sky. shawn threw the other fuzzy blanket over us and wrapped his arm around me pulling me close to his body.

"i love you so much." shawn said softly.

"i love you too." i said tilting my head up to look at him.

"i'm sorry i haven't been able to spend time with you. it's just been hectic with the new album and trying to get everything ready for your. i shouldn't push you to the side," he shook his head and sighed, "i promise that's going to change." he said before placing a warm sweet kiss into my lips. i melted into the kiss and kissed him back with passion.

"what do you say we pack up and head home?" he asked with a smirk.

i smiled and bit my lip, "i say that sounds like a plan."

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