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i have no inspiration to write a full imagine, so here is some stuff that has been running around my mind. 


"when you fell i thought it was safe, but there must of been a safety net for you." 

"he'll come back, whether it's days or years from now he will. if he doesn't, it will be the second biggest mistake he ever made." 

"i should of listened to everyone else, then maybe i wouldn't be here staring at the ceiling wondering why i wasn't good enough for you." 

"just promise me you won't play our song for the girl in the seat that was once mine." 

"i was so close to having what i always dreamed of, and just like a dream, i woke up and it was gone." 

"i'll never love someone as much as i loved you, and a part of me will always hate myself for letting go of you." 

"i prepared myself, but it still hurt like a bitch." 

Shawn Mendes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now