the lake •2•

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i flicked on the light revealing the cozy room. the blinds were open showing the view of the moon light causing the lake to glisten. i sat my bag down on the neatly made bed and sighed.

"you're on my side." shawn said leaning against the doorway.

i didn't have the energy to argue, so i moved over to the right side. i was exhausted from the long ride up here and the bickering. i just wanted to go to sleep.

i unzipped my bag and pulled out a pair of shorts and an old band tee before getting up to change. i took off my bathing suit cover up and the now dry bathing suit before turning on the shower.

the steam flowed from the hot water as i stepped in. the water cascaded down my body washing off my worries.

i didn't want to waste this trip stressing over shawn. he should be least of my worries, but for some reason i couldn't stop thinking about him. it disgusted me that he was always in my mind.

i hated his perfect brown curls and bright smile. i hated the way he could make every girl fall for him by saying just a few words. it made me sick that he always got underneath my skin with his smart comments.

i shook him from my head before rinsing off and getting out. i quickly changed and tied up my hair in a bun. i walked out of the bathroom to see shawn's back facing me as he scrolled on his phone.

i sat my dirty clothes underneath my bag on the floor before climbing into the bed. i turned off the light and kept my back towards his.

"why do you smell like vanilla?" he asked randomly.

"um, because i bathed," i said pushing my brows together, "you should try it sometime." i mumbled as i closed my eyes.

my eyes fluttered open to see room lit up from the sunlight. the alarm lock flashed the red numbers, 9:45. i rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before yawning and stretching my arms over my head.

i turned over to see shawn sitting up against the headboard. his phone was in his hand as his eyes focused on something. he bit his lip as he read whatever had his attention.

i threw the covers off of me before swinging my legs over to touch the carpeted floor. i got up and walked over to my bag to pull out my clothes for the day.

"everyone went to breakfast, i guess they didn't feel the need to wake us up." shawn said in his raspy morning voice.

"oh." i was a little surprised that Jess wouldn't wake me up, but i didn't let it bother me too much. it wasn't that big of a deal.

i decided to go for a morning swim. the lake house had a pool and a hot tub out back, which was nice since i didn't like swimming in the murky lake too much.

i grabbed my bathing suit and changed in the bathroom. i tied up my hair in a ponytail as i walked out of the bathroom.

"where are you going, it's not even 10:00." shawn said pushing his brows together confused.

"I'm going for a swim." i shrugged as i tossed my clothes back into my bag. i opened the door and walked out into the empty living room. the house was silent. the only noise was the shaky fan on the high wooden ceiling.

i slid open the glass door and walked out onto the porch. the hot tub bubbled as steam rose from the warm water. the spring air was warm, but a slight cool breeze made chills go down my spine.

either it was that, or the sound of the glass door sliding open.

i turned around to see shawn walking towards the hot tub. he had a towel thrown over his exposed shoulder. his swim shorts were pulled down low enough to see the v-line that outlined his toned abs.

i swallowed hard and sat my things down on the chair before diving into the cold water. i came up gasping for air as i brushed the strand of wet hair out of my face.

the water was icy, and way too cold to be in this early. my teeth shivered as i got out of the pool. i rubbed my arms up and down trying to heat up a little.

"you cold?" he asked smirking as he raised an eyebrow.

i shot him a death glare as i climbed up the steps to the hot tub. "move your ass Mendes."

he laughed a little, "now why should i, i was here first." he said resting his arms on the sides of the hot tub and leaning back as he looked me up and down with that cocky grin.

"Shawn, i swear if you don't move right," he cut me off.

"what are you gonna do?" he asked moving closer without that smile ever leaving his lips.

"I'm going to-," before i could finish my sentence my foot slipped causing me to fall. before i hit the shallow bottom, i felt his strong arms wrap around my body.

his chest vibrates against my body as he let out a deep laugh. i looked up to meet his chocolate colored eyes that were already searching for mine. i swallowed hard as his gaze fell to my lips.

"you've always been kind of clumsy." he said softly.

"you've always been kind of  an asshole." i said rolling my eyes and getting out from his grip.

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