snowed in

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my fingers played along the keys. the familiar tune to the song, "say something," echoed through the music room. it was a few hours after school had gotten out. i wanted to stay just to clear my head and take a breather.

there wasn't anyone here other than a few teachers that were catching up on papers they put off. I figured i was the only student, so i started singing the lyrics softly.

say something I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one if you want me to.

anywhere i would've followed you

say something I'm giving up on you

and I, I'm feeling so small

it was over my head,
i know nothing at all

my finger slipped and hit the wrong key causing me to groan. i ran my fingers through my hair before letting out a frustrated sigh.

"thank god, you stopped. that was awful." i jumped when i heard the all too familiar voice. i turned my head to see shawn leaning against the door frame. he was had one strap from his book bag over his shoulder and a cocky smile on his lips.

i rolled my eyes and just turned back around. i was not in the mood to deal with his harsh remarks.

"no comeback? are you feeling alright?" he asked sarcastically.

"leave me alone, don't you have some sort of practice to be at?" i asked shooting him a death glare.

"as a matter of fact i do, it requires that piano." he pointed his finger at the black glossy piano in front of me.

"whatever," i took a deep breath and grabbed my bad before standing up, "i was just leaving anyway." i pushed back the stool and began walking towards the door.

"no you weren't, you were just singing." he said blocking me from leaving.

"i'm done now." i said as i tried to push past him.

he put up his arm to prevent me from walking out. i tilted my head and looked at him with annoyance written all over my face.

"move, i have to go." i demanded.

he laughed a little, "have you seen what's going on out there?" he asked brushing past me to the big glass window. he pulled the strings causing the blinds to shoot up revealing the harsh winds that swirled snow all around.

"all the roads are closed." he said before sitting on the stool i once was sitting on.

"cool." i said as i turned around. i immediately regretted saying it and closed my eyes tightly. i was really off my game today. i shook it off and started walking down the dimly lit hallway.

the double doors at the end of the hall showed just how had it really was. you could hardly see anything. it was almost completely dark also, which made all of this even worse. i was supposed to be home an hour ago.

i sighed and turned on my heel. i looked up from the shiny white tile to see shawn once again. i mentally rolled my eyes as i passed him.

"where are you going?" he asked walking behind me.

"away from you." i mumbled as i pulled my strap back over my shoulder.

"there's the smart comments that i lo-," he stopped causing me to look up at him. his cheeks were slightly pink and he had a shocked expression. it was quickly replaced with that cocky grin, "look forward to hating."

that was possibly the worst comeback shawn had ever said to me. which was odd, because he never had a bad one. as much as i hate to admit it, he's always getting me back.

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