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"oh hun it's not a problem at all," i said holding my phone up to my ear using my shoulder as i wrote down the groceries that we needed, "Chloe is a doll."

"thank you so much, I'll be by around 5." My best friend Tiffany said through the static over the phone.

"That's perfect see you then." We both said our goodbyes and hung up.

"Who was that?" My roommate Shawn asked walking behind the kitchen bar to grab an apple.

"My friend Tiffany. She asked me to watch her daughter while she works the night shift at the hospital tonight." I explained as I finished up the grocery list. I looked up from the list to meet Shawn's warm brown eyes.

"Well I can help, I don't have to be at the studio until in the morning." He shrugged before taking a bite out of the apple.

"Good because she'll be here in about," I turned around to see the clock above the microwave, "30 minutes." I said turning back to face him.

He nodded and pushed himself off the counter. He raised his arms over his head stretching as he walked back to his bedroom. My phone buzzed in my back pocket as I watched him walk back to his room. I sighed and pulled it out of my back pocket.

Theo- can we please talk?

I sighed and shook my head before putting it back in my pocket.

"You okay?" Shawn asked. I looked up to see him with his shirt half on.

"Uh," I diverted my eyes away from his toned abs, "yeah."

"Are you sure?" He asked pulling the shirt over his head.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said but he still didn't believe me.

"Paige, I-," he got cut off my the doorbell.

He sighed and shook his head as I opened the door. It swung open revealing Tiffany holding Chloe's hand.

"Oh hey Shawn." Her bright blue eyes looked away from me to land on Shawn.

"Hey Tiffany." He said shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Well I'll be back around 8." She said pulling her strap from her purse over her shoulder.

"Okay see you then." I said as she walked out.

Chloe held a teddy bear close to her chest and drug a blanket behind her as she walked over to Shawn. She lifted her arms signaling she wanted to be picked up. Shawn bent down to pick her up and held her close to his tall frame.

"So Chloe do you want to make cupcakes?" Shawn asked with a dazzling smile. Her big blue eyes lit up along with a bright smile appeared on her face. My heart melted at the sight.

"Yeah," she nodded and Shawn looked over at me with raised eyebrows.

"I'll get the mix, you get the frosting." I instructed. He nodded and sat her back down on the ground before making their way to the kitchen.

"Chloe do you want to mix the batter?" I asked once I put all the ingredients into the mixing bowl.

"Yeah." She said nodding and smiling. I pushed a stool in front of the counter and placed the bowl in front of her. I then plugged in the mixer and helped her mix it. I covered her small hands with mine making sure the batter would be smooth and that the bowl didn't fall.

"Do you want to lick the whisk?" I asked pulling the whisks out of the mixer.

"I do!" Shawn said even more excited than Chloe.

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