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the photo printed off on the magazine stared up at me from the coffee table. his arm wrapped around her waist as she looked into his brown eyes with a smile. my stomach twisted just looking at it.

this wouldn't bother me if shawn hadn't been acting strange lately. he's hardly ever home and it's like he's hiding something. i figured he was just stressed out with the tour coming up, but i can't help but think it's something else.

the door opened as he walked into the home we shared. i leaned forward and set the glass of wine down as he walked into the living room. he took off his coat and threw it down on the recliner before plopping down beside me. 

"how was your day?" he asked placing a small kiss on my cheek.

"it was fine." i said turning away from him making his brows knit together.

"what's wrong?" he asked concerned. i didn't answer. his eyes fell from me down to the magazine in front of us. he swallowed hard and picked it up. "you know this isn't-," i cut him off.

"actually i don't shawn," i shook my head before looking over at him, "you've been distant lately. you're hardly ever home anymore, and when you are it's really late. we barely even talk."

his face softened as he reached for my hand, but i pulled away. i got up from the leather couch causing him to grab my hand, "y/n," his voice was soft and raspy.

i looked back at him to see his hurt expression, "there's nothing going on between me and her. we had a cup of coffee while we discussed the new duet we have coming. the paparazzi just so happened to catch the moment after we hugged and we were saying our goodbyes." shawn explained.

this made me seem to feel a little better and sat back down beside him. this still didn't explain why he wasn't home that much. "why have you been so distant? are you tired of me? if that's the case then i understand, i know i can be a little-," he cut me off.

"baby i could never get tired of you. i love you so much." he dropped his arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him before placing a kiss on my temple, "the reason i haven't been home that much is because i was trying to perfect something," he reached down into his jean pocket and pulled out a black velvet box.

my heart started racing, "shawn," i said looking up at him with a confused smile.

"i was waiting for the perfect time, but i think this is the best time to do this." he said nervously. he took a deep breath and opened the box and bent down in front of me on one knee. he took my left hand in his as rubbed small circles as he spoke, "y/n, i have been so in love with you for 4 years and those four years have been the best years of my life. you have been by my side through it all and you're the reason i am where i am now. i know that there was probably a more romantic way of asking you this, but will you marry me?" his brown eyes were glossy and a nervous laugh passed his lips.

i laughed a little also and nodded unable to speak, "yes," i said in a soft voice, "yes, i will marry you." i said with a wide smile. a look of relief washed over shawn as he slipped the diamond encrusted ring onto my finger before cupping my cheeks and crashing his lips on mine.

I literally hate this.

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