blueberry muffins

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I'm with your mom in the kitchen,

Making blueberry muffins

red and orange leaves rustled across the concrete sidewalk. the cool crisp autumn air brushed through my wavy hair as i walked to the cafe. i hugged my jacket closer to my body to trap some heat to keep me warm.

i looked up from my dirty white converses to meet a pair of warm chocolate colored eyes. the brunette haired boy pulled his plump lips into a small smirk before walking into the cafe. i could feel my cheeks heat up slightly, but i just blamed it on the warm air that welcomed me when i opened the glass door.

"nice to see you again shawn." a tall man with piercing green eyes said smiling a little revealing his dimples.

"you too man." the boy's voice echoed through my ears until he turned around.

"are you like following me or something?" he asked stopping right beside me. he pushed his brows together as a confused expression crept onto his face. he was holding a small paper bag in his hand that had a beautiful tattoo of a certain type of bird. in the other hand he was holding a green tea close to his chest.

"what?" i shook my head and felt my cheeks turning red, "no, no i just came into get a muffin."

"what kind?" he asked raising his brow.

"um," i laughed a little, "blueberry."

he looked down at his bag in his hand with that perfect smile and said, "well good thing i got two."

Shawn Mendes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now