work of art

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the bristles drug the lavender colored paint across the blank white canvas. soft music played throughout the room. it was a sunday morning, and i decided to start a new painting.

i was leaning over to wash the purple paint out of the brush when a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. i smiled to myself before turning around to face shawn.

"good morning." i said dropping my arms over his shoulders.

"good morning beautiful." he said with a sleepy smile before he placed a kiss on my lips.

"i like that shirt, where'd you get it?" he asked once we parted. his eyes looked me up and down.

"this amazing place called Shawn's closet, it's where i get most of my clothes." i said looking down at the black v-neck that stopped at my mid thigh. Shawn's laugh echoed through my ears making me smile.

"so what's this mornings painting?" shawn asked pulling me close to his side as he admired the glistening acrylic paint.

"i'm thinking something like a sunset, but adding a few dark trees here and there." i explained tilting my head up to look at him.

"you know i love all of your art, but do you know what my favorite work of art is?" He asked turning to face me. he placed his large hands on my waist and looked down at me.

"the city night one?" i asked pushing my brows together.

"that's my second favorite, my most favorite is the one standing right in front of me." he had a cheeky grin as he admired me.

"well you know what's an even better work of art?" i grabbed the paint brush from earlier and sneakily brought it up to his cheek, "this one right here." i said brushing it across his rosy toned cheek.

"oh," his eyes widened, "it's on." he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him. i tried my best to get out of his grip, but he had a firm grip on me as he quickly used his other hand to grab a spare brush before dipping it into a salmon color. he brushed it across my forehead causing me to erupt in laughter.

we both ended up covering each other in various colors. we were both all of the colors in the rainbow by the time we both surrendered. shawn has all different types of purple across his face and blacks all down his arms, and i had pinks and white splattered all over me.

"see i told you," he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled, "you truly are a work of art." i blushed before he kissed me softly. he pulled away with a cocky smile. "now time for a shower." he picked me up effortlessly and tossed me over his shoulder and held me down by my legs. i giggled as he carried me to the bathroom.

there's never a dull moment when i'm with him.

this was such a random idea, and i had no idea how to end it 😂

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