everything happens for a reason •2•

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we all knew ya girl was gonna continue 😂

i walked into the empty house and took off my shoes. the feeling of something fuzzy rubbing my leg made me smile.

"hey baby," i bent down to pick up the all back cat and held him in my arms, well until he demanded that he wanted to get down.

i sighed and made my way up to my room so i could collapse on my bed. i fell back onto my mattress and stared up at my ceiling.

my heart broke for shawn. i never knew that he had such strong feelings for me. i mean we've always been close, but i just assumed he always saw me as his friend.

i would be lying if i never thought about taking it further, but i always thought it was a crazy. a girl like
me with a guy like him? never in a million years would i think he would tell me that.

my eyes fell from the ceiling fan to the photos on the wall. the majority of them were of shawn and I, the rest were just photos of our friends scattered around.

i focused on one photo in particular. it was from the vacation we took while shawn was touring. i drove back home to surprise him. since we are both from canada we go back to visit, he lives down here in California now.

the photo was taken by his mom when he ran up to me and hugged me. the background was full of people rushing through the airport, but it was focused on his arms wrapped around me as he lifted me off the ground. his face was nuzzled in my neck.

i took a deep breath before racing down the stairs. i quickly put on my shoes and grabbed my car keys before racing out the door.

my heart raced as i waited for him to open the door. the door swung open within seconds after knocking. his hair was messy which was unusual for him. he was wearing nothing but gym shorts also.

"y/n," his voice was soft as he looked at me confused.

"back at the cafe you said, everything happens for a reason, i never truly believed that until now." i told

his brows pushed together in confusion. he opened his mouth to say something, but i cut him off by crashing my lips onto his. he was shocked at first but soon relaxed and deepened the kiss. he cupped my cheeks with his large hands as i ran my fingers through his hair.

he rested his forehead against mine after we pulled away to catch our breath. he smiled softly before leaning back in to kiss me once more. he lifted me up with ease and turned us around to walk into his house.

crappy ending but hey I'm back ;)

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