vending machine

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all of the paper work scattered across my desk stared up at me. i knew i shouldn't procrastinate, but i was hungry. i rolled the chair back from my desk before getting up and walking out of my office.

"good morning y/n," brad, my coworker, said as he walked past me with a stack of papers in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

"morning." i mumbled before walking into the break room. their was a few blueberry muffins and cookies on the table, but i wasn't in the mood for anything sweet. i pulled a dollar out of my pocket before looking up at all the options in the vending machine.

i decided to get a bag of chips. i inserted the dollar hit, "D5." of course just my luck, the chips got stuck. i sighed and shook my head.

"someone's having a rough day," i jumped when i heard a deep voice. i turned around to see a tall brunette boy with a charming smile.

i laughed a little and nodded my head, "yeah, just a little."

he laughed a little before setting the muffin that he had picked up back down on the table. "let me show you a little trick." he said before gripping the sides of the vending machine. his biceps tightened and looked as if they would rip through the sleeves of his olive green t-shirt. he began to shake the machine lightly causing the bag of chips to break free and fall to the bottom. he bent down and picked them up.

"thank you so much." i said as he handed him to me.

he shrugged, "i've had my fair share of bad days. plus a pretty girl like you needs something to brighten up her day." he gave me a slight smile before turning away and walking back towards the table.

i smiled to myself and felt my cheeks heat up from the compliment. he grabbed his muffin and nodded his head towards the napkins, "you might want to grab a napkin, those chips can get pretty messy." he winked before walking out.

i pushed my brows together confused as i walked over to the napkins. a white napkin was laying flat on the counter with a phone number written in black ink with a small note.

maybe i can get you something better than the vending machine snacks, dinner tonight?

i smiled to myself and folded the napkin neatly before sliding it into my back pocket.

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