another try

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"what happened with you two?" my mom asked raising the glass filled with red wine to her lips.

i shrugged and pulled the blanket over my body, "we just went out separate ways. we were both busy with work, and we just didn't have time for a relationship." i placed my head on her lap and watched our favorite  show that was playing on the tv.

"well, just because you two went your separate ways doesn't mean your paths won't cross again." she said setting her glass down on the table before running her fingers through my hair slowly.

i was silent for a few seconds. i wanted to think that, but i knew that shawn and i were just a one time thing. "it was just the wrong timing, and that's all it'll ever be." i said feeling my heart slowly break in my chest.

a knock echoed throughout the house. "that's probably our Chinese," i said getting up. i pushed myself off the couch and made my way to the door. it swung open revealing an all too familiar boy. "you're not the Chinese guy."

his lips curved into a smile. the damn smile i fell in love with. "no, but i am the guy that needs to talk to you."

i took a deep breath before walking out onto the porch. the air was cool, but not too cold. the porch light illuminated his face. his hair was slightly messy, he had dark circles around his chocolate colored eyes, and the slight rosy tone in his cheeks had now faded.

shawn shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down as if the words he needed to say were written in the concrete. he sighed and shook his head before looking back up, "i'm sorry. i shouldn't of made that decision so abruptly. i've been so lost the past month, i couldn't even put my shoes on the right feet." i swallowed hard waiting for him to continue.

"i know that our careers are pretty busy right now, but i'll do anything to have you. i want to be able to come home to you, and wake up with you. i want to know that we're okay, and that you're mine." He ran his fingers through his hair as he turned away from me.

"Shawn," i said softly as i brought my hand up to his shoulder. he flinched but quickly relaxed and turned back towards me, "i love you, but-," he closed his eyes tightly and shook his head.

"please don't finish that sentence y/n." he begged. my heart ached seeing him like that. i wanted more than anything to kiss him and take him back. i wanted more than anything to have him back, but i knew that it wouldn't work.

"i'll make time for our relationship. i can take you one dates on my off days, and leave the studio a few hours early. then when tour comes around you can go with me, we can travel the world together." He grabbed my hands and pulled them close to his chest.

"i can't just leave and travel the world for 6 months, what about my job." i asked pushing my brows together.

"you could do it on the road, please just y/n, we have to give us another try." his grip on my hands tightened a little more.

i looked into his glossy brown eyes and realized the pain he was feeling. of course i wanted to be with shawn. i just don't want to end up hurt and alone. i took a deep breath and stepped closer. "then let's give us another try."

the door opened causing shawn and i to turn our heads quickly. "see, people with wrong timing do get another try." shawn laughed from beside me and wrapped his arm around me before pulling me close.

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